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Offline ironglow

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A current decide..
« on: May 07, 2009, 01:27:47 AM »
 There have been questions asked here about the true religious affiliation of the new prez. I won't conjecture, but here is some info to chew upon, then decide for yourself.

        Dangerous extremists, the homeland security list   

   Read it over as I did (at least skim) and see what we find...

      Some of the stated categories of potential terrorists; I paraphrase:

       A) Above ground..those who are in open, opposition to government demands & mandates (tea parties?)

       B) Alternative radio or opur connections on the internet ?

       C) Anti-abortion extremeism..Lumping ALL pro life aborts can get pretty exterme also, Shucks, (IMO) abortion itself is terrorism against the most helpless.
       D) Anti-immigration extremeism..Haven't heard of any loud complaints about totally LEGAL immiogration. Guess terrorists are people who ask the govt to enforce existing laws.
      E) Christian identity extremeism..Being a Christian for many years, I never heard of a group such as DHS has outlined. Yes, they are those that espouse an Anglo-Israeli theology..I don't agree with them, but they are far from terrorists (e.g. Herbert W armstrong).
 (IMO) just another way to smear real Christians and start "demonizing" the local Methodists, Lutherans and Baptists.

      F) Direct action..."lawful and unlawful acts of civil disobedience"..Getting ready to jail folks for being "lawful" ?

      G) Militia groups..Anti govt idealogues ..Could they be pro-Constitution idealogues ? 

         And a couple winners
      H) Hate groups..most often used to describe "white supremacist" groups (esp ion prisons). Note: I did not se any mention of the Muslim gangs in prisons.
      I) "Jewish extremeism"..,Don't see a great deal of that, comparatively. I haven't seen Jews beheading captives or gassing parts of their populations nor piloting stupidcide bombs. I haven't even seen them strangling their teenage daughters or cutting their wive's heads off and playing soccer with them !

   There seems to be a glaring ommission here ! Perhaps I did not read far enough, but I saw no mention of "Muslim extremeism".. Saw nothing about the  "lakawanna seven" , the Florida prof, or even the 19 that crashed planes into the WTC. No mention of the beheaded wives or teenagers..and of course we will probably never knoiw who the guy with Tim McVeigh on that fateful morning was.

   Couple that with the fact that our prez met with the Israeli prez to discuss policy. What a shameful move, the man to deal with in Israel is Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli prez is like the British queen..a figurehead. The Prime Minister, as with the one to deal with./
  recent events betray a hostility toward Israel.

  Couple that with the prez cancelling the "National Day of Prayer" cveremony in or around the capitol building. This practice was instituted by Pres Harry Truman..

     So, ask yourself..sleeper Muslim or no ?

  Kep in mind, this was from the Dept of Homeland Security, which was framed around the attack(ers) of 9/11 and their kind !

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline JoeG52

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Re: A current decide..
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2009, 02:01:31 AM »
I got this e-mail from Pennsylvania State Representative Sam Rohrer. He could use some help with this. Here is his letter...

The morning of April 13, I received an email alert from a friend about a just released government document– the now infamous DHS advisory. When I first read this release, my mind flashed back to very similar language produced by the Clinton administration following the Oklahoma City bombing.

 If you’re like me, I ran the gamut from shock to anger as I considered the potential ramifications of this advisory on our free society. When the Tea Parties were held just two days later and I looked out at the thousands of faces before whom I stood, I thought of freedom. I reflected upon the millions of my fellow patriotic Pennsylvanians. I then thought further about this document and concluded that it had nothing to do with securing the freedom of these honorable people, but everything to do with deceptive and strategic tactical moves. Rather than a legitimate law enforcement document, this had all the earmarks of a purely political and partisan document. Rather than providing objective assistance to local law enforcement, this appeared to me to mark the beginning of a subjective process designed to marginalize everyone who opposed the big government policies of the current administration. As I read the profile of those who fit this administration’s interpretation of likely right-wing terrorists and found that it included veterans, 2nd Amendment supporters, those who disliked shipping jobs overseas and those who wanted the laws enforced regarding illegal immigration I knew my gut feel was right. I also knew something had to be done.

But even more, as I thought of each of those faces in the crowd who were all classified as potential terrorists who needed to be monitored. I asked myself the question, “In what country am I living? How can our federal officials who took the same oath as I have to support and defend our constitution now malign and criminalize the very people they were obligated to protect?”

That’s when I determined that I needed to do what I could. So, I drafted a letter to each member of the Pennsylvania Congressional Delegation urging them to open an investigation into the authorizing and writing of this horrific DHS document and to seek the dismissal of all involved. (A letter addressed to Sen. Casey is linked here, although the entire delegation received the same letter.) My primary reason for doing so was to URGENTLY DEMAND that our Congressional Delegation come to the rescue and aggressively defend the honor and integrity of every law abiding Pennsylvanian whose character was attacked and maligned by this treacherous document.

That letter signed by 31 fellow House Members is a significant letter. It is clear in what it says and what we expect. I want you to know about it so you can write your US Senators and Congressman to act upon this letter. They have a driving obligation to come to the defense of their constituents – and to do it now. Let’s encourage them to act swiftly before the next crisis pushes this one into the distant past.

In the Defense of Freedom,

State Representative Sam Rohrer
District 128 – Berks County

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Re: A current decide..
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 05:03:53 AM »
Obviously a subversive.