There have been questions asked here about the true religious affiliation of the new prez. I won't conjecture, but here is some info to chew upon, then decide for yourself.
Dangerous extremists, the homeland security list Read it over as I did (at least skim) and see what we find...
Some of the stated categories of potential terrorists; I paraphrase:
A) Above ground..those who are in open, opposition to government demands & mandates (tea parties?)
B) Alternative radio or opur connections on the internet ?
C) Anti-abortion extremeism..Lumping ALL pro life aborts can get pretty exterme also, Shucks, (IMO) abortion itself is terrorism against the most helpless.
D) Anti-immigration extremeism..Haven't heard of any loud complaints about totally LEGAL immiogration. Guess terrorists are people who ask the govt to enforce existing laws.
E) Christian identity extremeism..Being a Christian for many years, I never heard of a group such as DHS has outlined. Yes, they are those that espouse an Anglo-Israeli theology..I don't agree with them, but they are far from terrorists (e.g. Herbert W armstrong).
(IMO) just another way to smear real Christians and start "demonizing" the local Methodists, Lutherans and Baptists.
F) Direct action..."lawful and unlawful acts of civil disobedience"..Getting ready to jail folks for being "lawful" ?
G) Militia groups..Anti govt idealogues ..Could they be pro-Constitution idealogues ?
And a couple winners
H) Hate groups..most often used to describe "white supremacist" groups (esp ion prisons). Note: I did not se any mention of the Muslim gangs in prisons.
I) "Jewish extremeism"..,Don't see a great deal of that, comparatively. I haven't seen Jews beheading captives or gassing parts of their populations nor piloting stupidcide bombs. I haven't even seen them strangling their teenage daughters or cutting their wive's heads off and playing soccer with them !
There seems to be a glaring ommission here ! Perhaps I did not read far enough, but I saw no mention of "Muslim extremeism".. Saw nothing about the "lakawanna seven" , the Florida prof, or even the 19 that crashed planes into the WTC. No mention of the beheaded wives or teenagers..and of course we will probably never knoiw who the guy with Tim McVeigh on that fateful morning was.
Couple that with the fact that our prez met with the Israeli prez to discuss policy. What a shameful move, the man to deal with in Israel is Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli prez is like the British queen..a figurehead. The Prime Minister, as with the one to deal with./
recent events betray a hostility toward Israel.
Couple that with the prez cancelling the "National Day of Prayer" cveremony in or around the capitol building. This practice was instituted by Pres Harry Truman..
So, ask yourself..sleeper Muslim or no ?
Kep in mind, this was from the Dept of Homeland Security, which was framed around the attack(ers) of 9/11 and their kind !