If it doesn't HAVE to say 38-55 on the barrel, check out the Big Bore Winchesters in 375 Winchester. They are getting pricey too, but you can always get your money back out of a Winchester. They have at least doubled since I was forced to sell mine during the last "downturn". I should have kept the rifle and starved a little longer! The 38-55 is a 375 plus about an 1/8th of an inch. My chamber was long enough to chamber the 38-55's. I never had pressure problems and loaded both cartridges with my Hornady .375 Winchester dies. Shot them in a Contender as well.
If you do get one, check the chamber length and slug the bore to check the bullet diameter. My Winchester may have been the exception, but I was always suspicious that Winchester used the same barrels???
Someone else might have more info, and I believe there is (was?) an article on sixguns.com concerning this very thing.