Author Topic: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY  (Read 1373 times)

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FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« on: May 06, 2009, 12:53:32 PM »
Hello all,
            Haven't really been on here in a while but i figured i'd stop in and see what's happenin' in the fantastical world of firearms and gunpowder. To get right to the point I am looking at purchasing an FN-49 chambered in 7.92 x 57mm Mauser and I noticed that there doesn't seem to be any 5 round magazines for the FN-49 and with anti-gun laws being as strict as they are in the liberal state I live in (NY) I was wondering if there is a magazine available that can only allow 5 rounds (state law that no recreational hunting rifle be able to hold no more than 5 rounds in the mag) or am I allowed under state law to build a plug for the mag that can only allow 5 rounds? Also another question I have is whether or not the FN-49 itself is listed on any current and/or future gun ban/ gun restriction acts that would prevent me from owning and using this firearm? I seriously dislike living under this shadow of doubt as to whether or not I have the individual right to own my own firearm and be able to use it to provide food for myself and my family but with all the liberal backing that seems so adament on crushing those rights I find it hard to move anymore without my liberties being questioned and threatened. I have (as we all have) continuously and steadily given up rights for as long as I can remember (clinton administration). Under any other constitutional right we would consider a threat of national liberties just the same or close there to an act of war, or at least some for of socialism/ dictatorship. And yet why is it that when it comes to the second amendment it's OK to violate and trample this civil liberty. I don't know anymore. I guess you could say I never really knew to begin with. I just know that this is my (our) right and it's about damn time we stood up for what we as a nation stood up and said aloud in one voice that we will not give up our right to be a free and happy people. But I digress. If you could answer any of the previously stated "FN-49" questions, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.

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Re: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2009, 02:21:53 PM »
I am not familiar with the 49 magazine, but it can't be all that different from others.  If you take the magazine apart and put a plug that fills the bottom of the magazine so that only 5 rounds fit, that is legal as far as I know since the magazine has to be taken apart to remove the plug.  It's sorta like using a plug in a shotgun to make it legal for waterfowl.  I modified a couple of AR magazines like that for hunting.  You might be able to cut the magazine down like the 5-shot M-1 carbine magazines.

Offline Mikey

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Re: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2009, 02:26:41 AM »
Casey:  I would take both those FN-49s. clean them right up and put them back in the closet or safe.  I wouldn't take them out hunting.  They are as much a 'klunker' in the woods as are my AG42Bs (Swedish semi-autos).  Both are still WWII style semi-auto rifles and pretty long and heavy to lug around in the woods of upstate ny. 

As to your magazine questions - in the old days we just used to make up wood plugs to fit in the bottom of the magazine to reduce the number of rounds it could carry down to the legal limit.  If the FN magazines require some permanent modification I would most strongly suggest you not do that.  I do not know of any factory made 5 round mags for that rifle.  Be that as it may, as long as the magazine is limited to 5 rounds you should be as legal with it as if you had taken a SMLE 303 Brit with a 5 round magazine/magazine plug out hunting.

The FN-49 is not listed as a assault rifle on any list that I know of but, it is a semi-automatic weapon with a bayonet attachment, which would probably make it as illegal as any anti-gun fool in nyc could imagine. 

Let's also look at the rifle itself and the ammo available for it.  This is a older action/rifle and I do not know how different mil-surp or current factory ammo with treat it.  I would not take it out until I installed new springs (esp recoil springs) and had the headspace checked.  This rifle may not handle the wuzzy American loadings for the 8mm (7.92x57mm) and may not cycle the action with those loads.  Some of the European factory loadings, the Sellier and Bellot, PRVI and mil-surp may even be too hot for it with their 196 gn loads at 2500'/sec in those older semi-autos. 

I like the 8mm and will use it for anything on the NA continent except big bear.  If you are thinking of a 8mm, there are lots of mil-surp bolt guns that would probably be less expensive to sporterize than to purchase one of the FNs.  If you are thinking of a semi-auto I think you would have to look to the European market and deeply into your wallet in the process. 

I think, just fer the hay of it, that if I ever found myself some shot-out old 06 in semi-auto I would probably have it rebarrelled to 8mm, but finding a solid enough semi-auto sporter in 06 is a chore.  HTH.

Offline Larry Gibson

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Re: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2009, 11:16:25 AM »

Agree with mikey about the FN-49 being kind of "klunky", especialy for hunting.  They are large, bulky and heavy.  Other than that if you like open sights for hunting they shoot well.  They are of modern desin and construction and are made for the higher pressures of the German 8x47 and the '06.  I've used several of them in 8x57 (though not for hunting) and had a very nice one back in '70 in '06.  All of them shot quite well and handled milsurp with aplomb.  The nice feature is the adjustable gas port.  You can adjust the functioning so the cases will just lay outside the action on ejection regardless of the ammo type and properly adjusted it really softens the functioning of the action that way.  I loaded the 8x57s with 210 gr cast bullets at 1850 fps to 185 gr Remmington's at 2630 fps (that runs at 57,000 psiM43) with completely reliable functioning.

If you reload then it may be worth a try hunting with it.  With the ammo situation like it is right now getting decent factory ammo might be a problem.  The rifles I worked with had wire magazine springs so it should be easy to fashion a block of wood to fit inside the coils so it only has a 5 round capacity.  Should be legal as it is pretty much the same as plugging a shotgun magazine.  At least that's the case here out west.  Pretty neat rifles, still wish I had not sold that '06 FN-49.

If you do get one and are going to reload I would recommend the the RCBS X-die for it.  The FN-49s have a tilting block bolt so life of cases is short with regular FL dies.  I was getting 4-5 firings per case and I'm sure the X-dies would double or triple that.

Larry Gibson

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Re: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2009, 06:51:32 PM »
I have hunted with a 7mm Mau Venesuelan(sp) FN49
and it actually carried pretty well. Nothing clunky about
this one, it is a fine rifle. Never encountered an aftermarket 5 round
mag for one in 7mm though. I am going to assume that yours is Egyptian
as they used most (not all) of the 8mm Mau versions.
Buy a second mag if you can find one, or at the least a second spring
as you may have to cut it (or alter)to make a 5 rounder.
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Offline 1911crazy

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Re: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2009, 06:19:16 AM »
I hunted with a few surplus rifles but i have a dry lean-to, to sit in.  I don't like taking them out in the bad weather (when ice, snow / rain is going on).

I believe you can make a narrow wooden retangular plug with rounded corners to fit inside the spring loops to use as a stop so it can only hold 5 rds. 

One point to consider doesn't the mag need to hold only 4rds?  You put 4rds in the mag, then one in the chamber and push the 4rds down while closing the bolt carrier.  If you go with the 5rd mag the game warden can be a PITA and point out you can put 6rds in it.  I'm not sure how strict they can be.  I have only ran into the game wardens on my land a few times but they seemed ok. As they approached us I always put my gun down on the ground so they never feel threatened that always open the door for great conservation.   

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2009, 06:47:58 AM »
The FN 49 is a neat rifle.  I had one and I could only get 5 rounds in mine.  As soon as I pushed down on the stripper clip the bolt would charge home.  But as others have said building a block in the mag.  that would only allow 5 rounds or less in would work.  Foam rubber strips inbetween the mag spring may be an easy way to go and not screw up the spring of feeding pressure.  Another option would be to order another spring and trim it and add a wood or other material (plastic or metal) to take up the space under the spring.
As I remember about mine the mag falls apart if you take it out, unlike most other mags it is not a contained box mag like an enfield rifle.
Mine would work with the mild Remington 170 grain Soft points.  They are not barn burners but would work very well on deer.  I would stay away from any of the military ball for hunting.  Yes they will put a hole in the deer but they will not expand.  Just my personal preff.
If you do listen to any of the other guys and pack them up.  Send them to me.  I'll use them for you we do not have mag restrictions in either CA or NC where i hunt deer and pigs.

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Re: FN-49 for WHitetail deer in Upstate NY
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2009, 06:51:10 AM »
OH the only other thing I can tell you about hunting with a semi auto rifle is shoot the deer and then count to 10 before you shoot again.
the semi auto can cycle faster than the deer has time to react to the bullet hit.  I shot a doe running down a path with my Garand and stuck 6 rounds in her before she fell.  The first hit was a kill the 2,3, 4, & 5 in her chest were over killa nd #6 tha blew her front arm off was really not needed.