Hi everybody, I'm getting ready to do some planting on our land in northern Wisconsin and have this tip for anyone that wants to improve the grouse habitat. I found this out by accident, when I had my gravel guy dump a half load of road gravel on the side of a lane in our woods to patch holes in the road. The partridge and turkeys started hanging around this area more than they ever did. They need grit to digest food and this supplements the need without going to a public road. We have made another small pile further into the woods, try this, easy and cheap.
American Wildlife & Plants A Guide to Wildlife Food Habits: the use of trees,shrubs,weeds and herbs by birds and mammals of the united states by Alexander C Martin Herbert Zim & Arnold I Nelson.I bought this paper back when I was getting my degree in wildlife mgt at the univ of az in the 1960's it's out of print but occasionally copies become available on barnes and noble.I let several of the hunters in the probation dept where i was employed read this and several of my manuals on western game food habits.I did crop analysis on gallinaceous birds & rumin analysis on deer,elk,etc to find out exactly what they browsed on.Wisconsin has Bonasa umbellus food habit via crop analysis: quaking aspen bud,hazelnut catkin, white clover, wild cherry, birch catkin,dogwood berries ,beadruby,sumac,nightshade elderberry ,strawberry,rose.The grit is used to grind their seeds,insects,plant material,etc so they can digest it.