Author Topic: N. Korea pushing the limits  (Read 1302 times)

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Re: N. Korea pushing the limits
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2009, 08:23:04 AM »
The History lesson is that it was never declaired a war by our US congress or president but was called a police action under the UN flag. All that was ever signed by both parties was a treaty to talk and work out some type of agreemant which we have been doing for over fifty years, meeting with the north in some buildings built at pan moon jone, spelling may be wrong ,my Korean is rusty after fifty plus years away from there :) :) The room is divided by a line and a large table sits on the line, half on north, half on south and each party does not cross the line. There are guard towers from which we look across at them and they do the same to us. There is also a fence which we patrol and they do the same. As far as I know no progress has ever been made at the meetings. The UN has never worked and all it has cost us is lots of tax dollars and dues and the loss of thousands of U.S. lives. When the UN desides to enter a conflict the US and British nations are about the only ones willing to step up to the plate.
Korean war vet. NRA Member
Fourth fighter wing K14 Kimpo Korea 1952 Fourth but first, the mig killers.
533rd material ,air defense Oxnard AFB 1953-1955
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Offline rex6666

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Re: N. Korea pushing the limits
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2009, 09:02:00 AM »
China may be only shipping 5% of what it make to the U.S. but it sure
seems to be about 50-60% of what is in the stores i shop in.
If we cut this off their would be lots of jobs may not pay $25.00 an hour
plus benifits. but it might give our illegal immagrants a job. ::)

Texas is good for men and dogs, but it is hell on women and horses.

Offline mcwoodduck

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Re: N. Korea pushing the limits
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2009, 09:55:04 AM »
Hey Why don't we instead, cut off all imports from china, and export/deport all of our illegals to china if they are from there or not.
We will not have theproblem of Illegals being deported and showing back up in Southern CA the next day, and the criminals and loafers can be a burden on the Chineese for a while.
I think the first one that demands: health care, governmental forms in Spanish, free education, or any of the other things they do here will e posing for thier picture in Time as the first of the illegals exicuted in China.


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Re: N. Korea pushing the limits
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2009, 10:17:59 AM »
The big problem with China is that they are buying all of our bonds and we owe them Trillions which we do not have the money to pay so with them it is a no win situation for us. Another problem we face is that we do not make anything here any more every product we buy comes in from china. I bought a US Army field jacked last year at the gun show, had all the military specks on the tag also said made in China.
Korean war vet. NRA Member
Fourth fighter wing K14 Kimpo Korea 1952 Fourth but first, the mig killers.
533rd material ,air defense Oxnard AFB 1953-1955
Pastor of the  CBCG-Fellowship group Tulsa Oklahoma.