My buddy & I was at it again today.
The wind was blowing pretty hard but we still had a good day ground hog hunting.
We shot 15 times total and killed 13.
We were unable to recover 2 of them.
One I shot with a handgun and one of his that rolled back in the den.
My miss was when we tried for a double on two young ones at about 35 yds and I wasn't holding quite low enough and over shot by a couple of inches.
I have only shot this gun about 25 times and am not quite use to where to hold with this scope.
His miss was on another young one at about 120 yds, wind drift to the right.
He was using a TC Pro Hunter in 223 and I had my new Handi Ultra in 204.
As you can see in the pic that some were small but we still made some head shots.
I did take one with a Rem 870 using 3" #4 buck.
The longest shot was by me at a little over 200 yds (top left in the pic-head shot) and the closest shot was also by me with my 45 colt Vaquaro at 2' (third from right in the bottom row).
That's right 2', I almost stepped on it while I was trying to get a shot on one with the 870.
I got that one to!
Bottom left.
Man does a 3" #4 buck tear one up!
Yeah I know, gut shot.

Check out the middle bottom.
204 32gr Vmax at about 140yds.
Man I love this cartridge.