Author Topic: Winchester 100 users ?  (Read 1523 times)

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Offline Country Boy

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Winchester 100 users ?
« on: March 04, 2009, 06:47:51 AM »
Anyone still use one for hunting ? What ,if any problems have you had and what is the accuracy like.
  I' bout one and you can actually shoot bottle caps with it at 100 yds, but it often fails to eject. I've had it to 3 gunsmiths and none have been able to solve the problem. I have more money in gunsmith fees than the rifle ! ( did all the usual stuff, new extractor,polished chamber,replaced gas system.)
  I'm about to give up . Does anyone know a gunsmith that specialies in Winchesters 100's and could really repair it without guessing any more ? What would you do, use it for a tomato stak ! I just bid on a nib and may get it. I want one I can depend on for serious whitetail hunting.
  Tell me about yours and your hunting experiences with it.

Offline targshooter

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2009, 12:29:23 AM »
I and a friend bought two new Model 100s in the early 1970s at cost from a gunstore going out of business. I bought mine because it seemed to handle well when I shouldered it in the store. Mine was a true POS. One of the worst triggers I ever had on any rifle. Some poor manufacturing quality control also. My Model 100 actually broke a weld holding the op rod and recoil block together. Winchester fixed it for free and I believe there was a factory recall for the problem issued later. I never got any groups better than 4 inches at 100 yards. I sold it inside a year. My buddy never had a problem with his other than it failed to eject. I believe there are two ejectors in the bolt, and his had rusted the spring in one of them due to his taking it in and out of a heated hunting cabin for several years and not lubricating the rifle well enough at the end of the seasons to place rust preventative on the ejector spring. This is a long time ago, so I may be wrong about two ejectors, but I don't think so. I do remember the rusted ejector spring and can offer that as a possible at the very least. At least you got an accurate one. His rifle, while better than mine, never busted the 2.5-3 MOA limit.

Offline cookieman-1

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2009, 04:00:13 AM »
I got that does the same thing. I was told that the neck is too tight . and use small size base dies for reload. mine will pull the rim off the shell. but won't exject the shell.

Offline targshooter

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2009, 06:16:06 AM »
Please go to this site for reference.
Extractor not working will leave the fired case in the chamber. I do believe a chamber out of spec could cause that problem Cookieman-1. Perhaps polishing could be done. As you can tell from the drawing, Winchester changed the extractor.
CountryBoy, your problem is similar to that my buddy had. I would try replacing both ejector springs. If that does not work sell it to a collector.
I have always attributed this quality variation in Model 100 rifles to be due to the Winchester manufacturing organization restructuring going on at that time. The rifles sure felt great to handle, almost like oversize M1 Carbines. I do believe Winchester ran an add that compared these rifles to the Carbine.

Offline 9x23w

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 10:13:48 AM »
My 284 extracts and ejects fine.  Any damage or corrosion in the chamber?  When a case doesn't extract, what kind of effort is needed to get it out.  You need to determine if the case is sticking in the chamber or the extraction mechanism is at fault.

These are pretty nice guns.  They are hunting rifles (like the Remington autos), and most of them have been treated as such.  A few rounds fired every year, little or no maintenance, so of course when they fail to work properly 30 years after they have been made they get a bad rap.  They handle great and are reasonably well made, although whoever made the decision to leave out a bolt hold open device ought to have their pension revoked.

The only real bad downside is accuracy.  Mine is pretty bad, lots of vertical stringing.  I'm playing around with the bedding but nothing has helped yet, so mine maybe in the classifieds soon.  Some have reported better results, some worse.

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2009, 10:24:59 AM »
Sold the one I had for $60.00,I think I got a good deal.
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Offline Country Boy

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2009, 06:33:06 AM »
Sold mine at a gun show Sat. for 350. It was the only one at the szhow and the best looking one I've ever saw.If we could have solved the ejection problem I would still have it. I still think they are great handeling rifles. I may be nuts but I'm going to try and find another that works.

Offline Country Boy

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2009, 07:29:18 AM »
Well I won another one on an auction. It hasn"t got here yet but I'm hoping for the best ! I love the way these rifles handle they have a great fit for me and easy to use in the field. If this one has problems I will take it to the guru of 100"s, New line guns near Herman Mo.

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2009, 09:59:29 AM »
  Had one, past tense.  Never did group worth a crap.  Used it on a couple of deer hunts....... to heavy for me.  Funny thing is I really wanted one.
  Gave up on it and sold it back to my brother.  :) Looks like it`s good for some, just not
" The best part of the hunt is not the harvest but in the experience."

Offline Shiner

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Re: Winchester 100 users ?
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2009, 07:00:46 AM »
I've got one. It was my Dad's 1st deer rifle and he passed it on to me. No telling how many deer that rifle has killed. Accuracy was never great, but it was fine here in the deep woods of East Texas. As I got older I got into bolt action rifles, then after I discovered I could get bolt action rifles in left hand, (being a lefty is a handicap sometimes) it probably hasn't left the safe in 10 years other than to be cleaned. It's never had the facory recall issue fixed either, so I probably won't ever use it again, but I wouldn't take anything for it.