Well I been doing the Mexican Match reloads on some 54r LB 147 gr. and HB 187 gr. FMJ Bulgarian brass case surplus ammo for a couple years. I replace the 147 and 187 gr. FMJ's both with 150 gr. SP bullets in .311 dia.
I also download the rd. by 1 1/2 grs. of the original powder,the original factory ammo is pretty hot in it own right,by lowering the powder charge slightly,felt recoil is less and accuracy is greatly improved in my M44 which slugged out at .313
I have used the Speer 150 gr. .311 Hot-Core and Prvi-Partizan 150 gr. .311 BTSP as replacement bullets. I also use the Hornady 150 gr. .312 SP and Hornady .312 174 gr. FBRN. Once I pull the original FMJ bullet I weigh a random sample of powder charges for several case in the lot. With the Bulgarian LB or HB the powder charge run between 48.3 and 48.5 grs. per case,I back it down to 47.0 grs. even,which seem to be the optimal charge weight for either powder used in the LB or HB case out of my rifle.
Then I resize the neck trim the case to proper length and load which ever bullet I choose to use and finish it off with a crimp ffrom the Lee FCD. I seat the replacement bullet to the cannelure if it has one,the Speer is the only one I use that doesn't have a cannelure so I seat it to factory specs in the reloading manual.
The two pulled bullets are on the lefts the replacement bullet I use are on the right
Original surplus fired ammo
Downloaded ammo with replacement bullet