Author Topic: spookey spots  (Read 1032 times)

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Offline pastorp

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spookey spots
« on: May 15, 2009, 08:50:50 AM »
I've spent a great deal of time in remote locations of the good ole USA. I've found that most outdoor areas are peaceful and enjoyable but there are pockets where wierd things happen. Usually the hair on the back of your neck stands up and you have a strange urge to get outa there. I remember a oak grove in centeral Florida years ago. Car doors would open and shut with no one around. Lights go off and on and other strange things. We finely quit camping there.

I live with the Tsimshean tribe in Alaska now and have been here long enought that some of them will talk to me about these kinds of things. Just and observation, but people that live close to the earth are more sensitive to these things. There are certain bays they won't anchor up in and certain places they won't hunt. Strange things just happen and you get a spooky feeling in those areas.

Any of you folks noticed this? Regards,

Christian by choice, American by the grace of God.


Offline scootrd

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Re: spookey spots
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2009, 10:18:23 AM »
New England has some very very very old graveyards from settlements long past, and for the most part not even remembered on any maps.  You stumble upon them in deep wood before you really even notice them consciously. They are usually in close proximity to old dilapidated half Buried stone walls that have been overgrown with moss and decay and neglect. . The stones themselves are usually whitish/ grayish  and are covered in black/green mold and are themselves overgrown with weeds and forrest floor rot.I have always found them very peaceful however there is one I stumbled upon while remote hiking that just didn't feel right. Maybe it was the sunlight casting shadows through the trees and undergrowth , or maybe it was the right time of day, but when I started walking through it , it seemed everything grew silent  - AND I MEAN EVERYTHING , no forest life no Forest sounds NOTHING ..not a Bird was heard chirping. Not a leaf was rustling in the canopy above .. The slight breeze I had all day ceased and the air took on a cold wet chill . The stream I had been following was about 150 -200 yards away and I didn't even hear the water running over the rocks once I stepped inside the boundaries of the grave yard.  I am definitely not one to scare easy. And I'm not even sure I was scared then , I felt more like an uninvited visitor being tolerated but not wanted. Discretion being the better part of valor that was the only time I literally backed up in my own footprints and decided to give that place a very wide Birth. I found my way back to the sound of the stream and chirping birds and the occasional chipmunk and squirrel and continued hiking up stream until I was sure I was well past that place.

I do remember when I realized absolute sound had disappeared within the confines of the graveyard the hairs on my arms stood up straight. Not so  much from fear but from something in my inner core telling me you should not tread here.

I actually though about returning there again someday just to see if it would happen again. 
But most likely I wont , some places just deserve to be left alone in peace with their surroundings, respectfully.

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« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2009, 02:57:01 PM »
Folk used to be spooked to work in the hanger in my area (I worked ther 6yrs 10mos) folks would be spooked after 1am you'd hear doors closeing on the office part but never found why, this hanger was built on over fill'd duck ponds and was  two story  120x100ft hanger built in winter of 1990, some the squeamish ones would start the ghost story, I used to finish out some shifts by myself, hear the doors closeing (had a hydraulic closer) the building was so big and made of metal studs the building would cool at night and the doors that the snubber pulled closed the door jamb would square up at night allowing the doors to close on ther own, Asked if I was afraid, shucks I replied I'd beging getting concerned if the plane I was working on levatated other than that why sweat the small stuff.

Offline phalanx

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Re: spookey spots
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2009, 01:39:05 PM »
Science has explanations for all of these things.
And it isn't the old  (your nuts ) ones we are accustomed to hearing.
The human ear can only hear within a certain range , sound can be hundreds of different frequency's we cant even hear.

Seeing things is even more complicated than that ,we only see what is there in visible light on the electro magnetic spectrum .
A VERY small part of that spectrum, and we are discovering more to that invisible part of the spectrum  every day.
Its like my Father would say.

Just because you don't hear it, doesn't mean it isn't making any noise.
Just because you cant see it ,doesn't mean it isn't there.
We only use around 12 % of our brain resources , my Father when working for a Government,trained certain people to tap into a greater part of the brain.

Headaches would follow for around two days ,its because the body has to adjust the chemical make up of your brain to support the higher functions.
He had a simple proof of this he would do , i teach my friends how to do it and they totally freak out.

But it shows i am not full of it and i take them one step farther.
Its like teaching someone how to read ,then its second nature.
But your brain had to increase its use of cells to do this each time you learn to do anything complicated.
Riding a bike is really a big one ,but to a kid it was hard at first then easy.
The human body is nothing but a chemical balance.

We actually produce 2.5 VDC to run our nervous system.
We are bombarded by wave forms constantly from other light forms on the EMS.
One of them is radio , sometimes when you think you hear music ,and you look around and you don't see anything producing music.
But you swear you heard it ,you didn't ,at least not with your ears.
But human brain waves are also a part of the EMS ,we just haven't set them on the spectrum yet as we should.

And guess what or where they would be located ,right above radio.
NO not FM stereo ,im not saying that!!
But your body has the VDC ,your mouth is acidic ,the enamel on your teeth can cause capacitance.
Throw in a metal filling and see what happens then.
But your brain needs to be trained and know what to look for.

After that its laughable ,and  they go train others and we laugh about the look on peoples faces when all of a sudden it happens to them.
And like riding a bike you never forget how to do it.
Its then the other things that i have taught them that they say causes them to lose friends.
We ALL can do it i swear ,its a sad thing we don't.
How do you know it wasn't you who opened or closed that car door?
What if you could control it ?
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Offline Swampman

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Re: spookey spots
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2009, 11:42:08 AM »
Read the article Portals in this issue of Backwoodsman Magazine.  Science can explain it, they just don't know they can explain it.
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