I'm too new to this to not make a mistake.... I'm sure there are a bunch of considerations that I'm not going to even think to ask about, so please feel free to comment on anything that I should know.
Your experience and advice is much appreciated! Thank you.
I may be able to get my hands on a 357 Max 14" barrel and was wondering whether this can be rechambered to 358 JDJ? I know from my lengthy internet searches that there are issues with which barrel you use (as in which design) for rechambering to high performance chamberings, but I don't even know what these are! I'm not sure if there are potentially frame considerations. I do see that the 35 Rem and 357 Max (and 357 Mag) have 1:14" twists, so I'm guessing (but what would I know?) that the twist should be okay.
You may ask why I don't just buy a barrel direct from SSK? Good question, I'm in South Africa and once I've got permits and managed to get it shipped I may have died of frustration, or be too old to see the target....
So can I do this and what do I need to look out for?