Author Topic: want to reload for model 70 ot6  (Read 375 times)

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Offline renegade50

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want to reload for model 70 ot6
« on: June 13, 2009, 07:56:47 AM »
i just read the new to reloading thread by butlerford45
so please dont jump on me hahahahahahahahahahaaaa!!!!!!!! jk guys

and i am one of those newbs to reloading
for years and years i have shot factory ammo in this rifle

it is a classic sporter 1-10 twist 24 inch barrel 1st year model when they came back out again with the crf models in the early 90,s
has a lupy 2.5-8x36 vx111 on it
i have had done alot of smithing on it myself
floated the barrel
aluminum pillared and glass bedded action and the 1st inch and a half of the barrel bedded (brownells kits)
stoned the trigger sears
cut 3/4ths of 1 coil on the trigger spring (trigger passes bounce/slam bolt test and breaks like glass at 1.75 pds)
lapped scope rings
releived magizine box of pressure points on the bottom of receiver
and the linseed oiled the stock

i have shot
the 165 fail safes in it  .75-1.00 groups
then they stopped making that >:( i really liked that round)
then i shot all types of the new ballastic tipped bullets thru it for some reason it dont like them
it shot some of the hornady lm loads pretty good too back in the day
then i started shooting the old remington 165 grain premier boat tails in it and it shoot them real well .50-1.00 all day long and this was a real good round and hit hard and retained weight real good
then they stopped making those also >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( i had a case of 10 boxes of those i got back in 2002 from the ammo shack over the internet , now i am down to around 37 of thses left and it is time to play around again with factory ammo
i have a box of 165 hornady light mag sst and a box of federal 165 fusions to play with as kinda a last try before i seriously consider relaoding
have shot the same hornadys years ago they where 1-1.5 groups and they are ballistic tipped
have not shot the fusions yet
the gun dont like 150 loads have tried those and 180 loads dont shoot well in it either
maybe with some handloads it might shoot some of the ballistic tipped bullets better but it seems to not like alot of factory ballistic tipped loads so im kinda wanting to steer away from those just based on previous experience with factory stuff

i live in clarksville tn (retired army infantryman) and have an account with midsouthshooters supply and get stuff all the time from them alot

what i am thinking about getting is the basic leeloader, the hand whack it with a rubber mallet type
i have been looking at alot of videos on the net about them and i think this might be for me cause i dont see myself reloading maybe 60 rounds per year
i am a member of and kinda burnt out on that forum so some fresh perspectives would be nice
i need a break from the same old , same old.........
i have fire formed brass already, remington stuff
is their a easy to use liquid type of cleaner for brass that would do well????dont really want to buy a tumbler
im trying to keep the cost of all the stuff under 150-200 bucks and from the items you will see hopefully how i can do that

im gonna buy the inexpensive handtools all are basically under 5-10 bucks per item
like a case trimmer, inside outside neck reamer, flashhole deburrer and primer pocket cleaner
then get a digital mike for under 30-35 bucks
and a digital scale for under 30-35 bucks
all this from midsouth
i wanta try the sirrea 165 gameking bthp a non cannulered bullet with a decent secant ogive profile
the fail safes had this feature they where non cannelured and the 165 remingtons premeir boatatils had a cannelure but had a real nice secant ogive profile also
so that is a question also if i get a cannelured bullet should i crimp or not crimp
and will it affect accuracy as i have researched, i have read yes and no but depending on the what the rifle likes is what most conclusions come to
probably something i will have to figure with experimentation
and imr 4350 powder
primers ??? im open to suggestions
some of the loads i have seen for imr 4350 are pushing 2950 -3000 fps and that is what i would like to try and acheive
other powders that have my interest are accurate 5744 and vitavhouri powders
really open to some ideas
i want a 2900 fps at least load with a 165 that is safe and real accurate
i like fast rounds that shoot flat with knock down power and big exit holes, aint worried about meat loss i hunt for antlers.

can this idea work to find my oal to my lands in the rifling and then back off and experiment form their to see what my bullet seating depth should be for best accuracy
i take one fire formed trimmed to lenght case minus primer and powder and seat a bullet in it out beyond a little bit from the maximum oal for ot6 and chamber it and then take my didgital mike and measure and back off from that .010 -.020 for an intitial start and then transfer that oal measurement to the lie die for oal lenght as a starting point

just kinda tired of finding an accurate factory load and then the line being dropped
so im gonna give reloading a try and dont wanta break the bank with intial setup
im gonna get the stuff over a period of several months this summer so the wife dosnt go ape poo-poo over what i spend even though it will be the same amount in the end ( im sure many have this problem also) hahahahahahahaaa!!!!!!
so any load suggestions would be cool and espically if any of you have experience on the lee hand held loader that would be great

thanks guys!!!!!!
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Offline renegade50

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Re: want to reload for model 70 ot6
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 09:23:09 AM »
oh ya
i only have this rifle
a turkey gun
and a tc 50 cal renegade
thinking about getting a savage smokeless  have had a lot of big boys outta range of renegade 50 cal over the years on fort campbell and i want to put that to an end for good............
so maybe the same powder i use for reloading ot6 rounds could be good for a savage smokeless also????
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Offline Val

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Re: want to reload for model 70 ot6
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2009, 01:31:22 PM »
A lot of 30-06s like 57 grains of IMR 4350 and 165 grain bullets. I have used Hornady SSTs, Hornady Interbonds, Nosler Partitions and Nosler Accubonds. All have shot well with this recipe. I use CCI200 primers but if you build up from a lower powder charge I'm sure other primers will work fine. You should play with bullet seating depth to see what your rifle likes.
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Offline renegade50

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Re: want to reload for model 70 ot6
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2009, 03:10:21 AM »
i have seen alot of loads ranging from 56 grains up to 60 grains max for 165,s and imr4350 surfing the net
thanks for the info val!
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Offline renegade50

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Re: want to reload for model 70 ot6
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2009, 03:31:32 PM »
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Offline Dand

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Re: want to reload for model 70 ot6
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2009, 08:34:21 PM »
IMR 4350 would be my first choice to start with any 30-06. My pre 64 likes about 54-55 gr IMR 4350 and 180 gr Hornady spires, Nosler partitions, or 180 Speer Hot Cores. Second choice is IMR 4831. My rifle doesn't like 165 gr bullets except for a load with H414 I think.

I'd look in several manuals for recommended loads and work up. I think there are a few presses available on  Ebay or watch for one on Graybeard's classifieds.  I started with the Lee tools but it gets old fast - but they WILL do the job. I think you are right on track to get a good scale and other items - don't scrimp on manuals - get several.

Good luck.
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