They ALREADY give tax funded medical care to illegal aliens. Matter of fact, medical care is already free for about everyone who hits the emergency rooms.
The deal really is....they want gobs more tax money and will use this medial thing to get won't really go where they tell you it's going. Never does.
Every thing they do is under the table, always has been. The bad deal coming our way is those of us who do have coverage and our own doctors, can be booted out by our employers and put on the gubermint plan...all they have to do is offer businesses where we work a tax that is cheaper than what they pay now. Bam...your on the gubermint plan. Maybe Barney Frank can run that along with the banking/housing thing......
I'm really starting to get irritated at things these days....everything is just a big cover up to get more tax money. Now they want to wreck the best health care in the world instead of making it better and fixing the parts that need fixing.