There are loads of used presses out there!! I just posted on another similar question about the 1934 patent date Pacific I found at a gun show for $5. It sits between my 1957 Herter's Super 3 C press and my 1961 Pacific press.
Don't see a model on the 1961 Pacific, but it has a removable piece that changes it from a C to an O press. That piece was taken out a long time ago - and probably has been lost to history. The O press capability apparently was never needed by the three generations that have used this press (it was my Grandfather's).
I tried taking a picture of my "progressive loaders", but it didn't come out well at all, but I have certainly enjoyed the flexability this setup has afforded me!
The only "new" item I have purchased was a Hornady (by Pacific) magnetic scale. I liked it enough that I got another one for my Dad a few years ago. Now, I sadly have two of them, as Dad has retired from the handloading game at 82 years old. Just a reminder to me that I too shall call it quits some day. Not fun.
My loading bench has an inventory acquired by three generations over a span of 52 years. Most of it was used when it came into the family and all of it was cheap and good. Even the Herter's stuff has been very usable, though some I didn't care for and replaced with RCBS, Hornady, and Lyman (all used). Specifically scales and powder throwers.
The "best kit" will be the one you put together and find satisfaction using, within your budget. Not sure anyone makes such a ready made kit that would fit my budget in today's economy. Too much used stuff available too cheaply.