Author Topic: SB2-980's awesome combo  (Read 589 times)

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Offline buckshooter

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SB2-980's awesome combo
« on: August 25, 2009, 07:48:50 AM »
I own a 12 gauge USH (SB2-980).  My friend is looking to buy an USH, but doe's not have 250.00 dollars to spend on a scope.  I did some research, and found that H&R sells the SB2-980 that comes with a scope, for 250.  He is wondering   , how good the scope. I need your opinion, like doe's it hold zero, and will it shoot accurately out to 100 and 150 yards?  Will last a long time?  Your comments are greatly apprecaited.       

please reply

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Re: SB2-980's awesome combo
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2009, 08:23:24 AM »
I personally haven't seen them up close but by the picture, and with most combo deals the scopes aren't much and it looks to be a cheap Tasco or Simmons. And adding that to a 12ga my first concern would be eye relief and secondly it most likely won't be taking the recoil very long till it goes belly up, but that just my 2 cents :)


Offline spikehorn

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Re: SB2-980's awesome combo
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2009, 10:34:27 AM »
 Busnell banner 3X9X40 for around $100 have had one on my mossy slug gun for around 7 years and never had to re zero it
308 win                 45-70                       12ga         
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Re: SB2-980's awesome combo
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2009, 10:45:32 AM »
Why do you have to spend 250 on a scope?

I have said many times Leupold is the best, but its also fairly expensive if bought new. But with there excellent warranty, just buy used and if worried, send it back and have it checked out!! you pay shipping, as long as its a VXI or better, any and all repairs will be free!!!

There are a few other scopes that will serve you well at even less costs. Something else i suggest, buy the best glass you can AFFORD. If that's a $125 Bushnell, that's what it is. They make a good scope too!!

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