Author Topic: Bullets misaligned in sizing die  (Read 698 times)

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Bullets misaligned in sizing die
« on: August 26, 2009, 12:24:11 PM »
Hello, I have been using my RCBS Lube-a-matic for a variety of bullets with success. But all the RCBS 35-200 GC bullets I try to size are very misaligned. I switched out the top punch to a shallow one with a very large flat point and it is better but, not very good. The bullets are .362 as cast, sized to .358, the alloy is probably almost as hard as WW.

Any tips? I dont shoot a large volume of these bullets so Im prepared to take some extra time with them. Perhaps a Lee sizing die, then lube with the RCBS?

Thanks for any advice

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Re: Bullets misaligned in sizing die
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2009, 12:04:12 AM »
run them through your die nose first the first time without lube pressue then run them through base first and lube them.
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Offline Catshooter45

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Re: Bullets misaligned in sizing die
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2009, 04:59:39 PM »
The Lee sizing die would likely work.

You can also make a blank top punch and then fill it with expoxy.  That makes a wonderful top punch that matches the nose contour/shape perfectly.  If you can't make one, there are several people over on the CastBoolits web site that will.  Buckshot is one such member who's work I can personally recomend.


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Re: Bullets misaligned in sizing die
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2009, 02:32:05 AM »
I frequently use a Lee push through sizer or my own homemade copy of them to do the actual sizing and gascheck seating, then lube with a lubrisizer .001 over the bullet diameter. I get much better accuracy this way than trying to reduce a bullet in the lubrisizer. It is also useful to check the alignment on your lubrisizer. Often the top punch is not in line with the die. I have a Lyman one that I modified so the top punch is adjustable, then dialed it in and locked it down. It made a very noticable improvement in accuracy, but can be used with only one bullet now or it'll have to be reset.
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