Have you not grown your own cabbage? I have grown the following with good results:
corn, cabbage, turnips, raddishes, bell pepper, banana peppers, cucumbers, egg plant, tomatoes, bush snap beans, English peas, collards, okra, strawberries, pink eyed purple hull peas, butter beans, carrots, beets, yellow summer squash, butternut squash, watermellon, and rutabegas. I have not had good luck with lettuce. It is either too hot or it frosts in cooler weather. I have not tried potatoes or sweet potatoes. I thought potatoes were fairly cheap and have just never tried them. The root crops as well as the greens were grown in winter.
I have canned or frozen most of the above and had it last a year at least. Cabbage can be blanched and frozen or made into sourkraut. I pickled the beats. Made pepper sause with the banana peppers (to used in the turnips and collard greens). All of what I raised tasted better than anything bought either frozen or canned at the grocery store.