Author Topic: Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!  (Read 1757 times)

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Offline TheBowhunter

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« on: February 18, 2003, 07:22:12 AM »
OK I have I problem! I just made a selfbow out of Osage Orange it is 62" long 50# @28" my draw is 28 1/2" my arrows are Port Ordford Cedar they are 29 1/2" long, spined  50-55#,  my points are 125 grain feild point. I want to shoot this Bow here for Turkey Season in April and then continue on till Deer season with it this before I do another one.
The Bow is not a centershot I am off about 5/16" before center I have hard time getting my arrows to group. I know it is not  my release nor my fallow through I have been trying to catch myself on that and have my wife watch me but I get about a 6" group all the time. this is bad Do Guysyou think I should go with a lighter or Heavier spined shaft here to correct this?
Keeep-em Sharp, Shoot-em Straight

Offline duxman

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2003, 07:38:50 AM »
I'd try a lighter spline. If you really want consistency go to aluminum. I shoot both. I like wood but you loose consistency sometimes. Did you buy matched weight shafts? The weight of the shafts can vary greatly sometimes. Try checking the weights of your shafts. If you don't have a scale, the local archery shop can probably help youout if they value your buisness.

Offline TheBowhunter

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2003, 08:49:41 AM »
yes I weight my shafts and they within 5-10 grns. on the dozen. I  will have to try the wifes shafts see what happens hers are spined for 45- 50#. If so I quess I will have make up another Dozen. I have been meaning to make some up anyhow have the GrandDaughter comeing for this summer. and made her a bow She will need some arrow to.
But any more advise would help this one has me going here for a day.
I already shot several dozen tryin to get a good group with this bow.
Keeep-em Sharp, Shoot-em Straight

Offline Bob/FLA

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« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2003, 01:59:46 AM »
you said that they were not grouping...
can you describe the flight, point of impact, are they all on the right or left side of point of aim?

if you have the chance, shoot an arrow through a paper bag at 10 feet and describe the entrance hole.  this will help diagnose the problem.  one last thing, check your brace height and nock point.

all these things affect the flight of your arrows and are cumulative.

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Offline 107ch

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2003, 03:03:04 AM »
One other option may be to use larger fletching. This will stabilize the arrow faster after the shot , but you do sacrifice some speed. I have found that my groups shrank considerably when I went to 51/2" shield cuts.
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Offline TheBowhunter

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2003, 04:26:43 AM »
They are both left and right on the paper. lots of fish tailing going on.
I do use 5 1/2" sheild cut fletching my fletching jig is right wing though makes no diferance here, I tried the wifes 45-50# spined they did peform any better last night.
 I think my only recourse here is go back and take some shelf area off here and center it more, I do want to use this Bow this year for Turkey and Deer Then I will send up to my Son in Utah so he can hunt ELk with it he said after I get it shootin right he wanted it.
Keeep-em Sharp, Shoot-em Straight

Offline Bob/FLA

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« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2003, 10:55:25 AM »
You said you were getting a lot of fishtailing...and i think you meant to say that your wifes arrows did NOT perform any better.  Please correct me if I am wrong.  

I would suggest going to a heavier spined arrow.  Because of the heavier spine, they will stop fishtailing and will start grouping.  If you go too heavy, they will group farther to the left of bull.  I also shoot self bows and they ARE finicky.  They do take a bit of tinkering to get it just right.  You also stated that your draw is 28 1/2.  For every 1" past the stated draw length (50# @ 28"), the draw weight typically increases 3#.  You also have to add 3# for every inch over that (29 1/2) for another 50+1+5= 56# minimum.  Folks frequently underspine their arrows rather than overspine.  Overspining will NEVER hurt your bow, whereas underspining will create all kinds of issues.

Sounds like a great bow.  Don't give up, you're almost there!

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Offline TheBowhunter

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2003, 11:32:49 AM »
yeah I know that Archers Paradox is murder on Selfbows.
but out of all the bows made this one has generated more problem tryen to get it to group. I hate those 8" or 10" groups  when I Used last year was sweet hard hitting and grouped (3-4") good but I gave it to the neighbor boy because he wanted it. He wanted to learn how to shoot and go hunting with it and the way he is going with it right now he will shine big time if buck fever does take over, he shoots with me all the time now when he has his home work done.
Keeep-em Sharp, Shoot-em Straight

Offline jdbe

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2003, 09:34:59 PM »
I would really have to see your arrow flight to answer theat question as that would be the only way to really see what is happening.  Mark all your arrows by number, then have a friend watch you shoot.  See if certain ones are a problem and have him watch arrow flight .  If it is random arrows, then tell us how they flight of them is - which way do they kick...
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Offline TheBowhunter

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Arrow's Not Grouping Right all the time!
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2003, 04:46:12 AM »
Actually the problem has been solved! I made the shelf more of center shot odd for a selfbow but it took care of the problem. Ihave since sold that bow and made annother one to go hunting with this archery season here in about wek and boy I cant wiat annother day.
thanks for the info and hope to hear from you more in here I am sure your knowledge and experience will be helpfull to all who read these and inquire.
Keeep-em Sharp, Shoot-em Straight