Hello Questor,
I too came of age and watched the hippy revolution. I saw it change from a set of ideals to a mockery of what could have been. To grab ahandle on some of it go to wikipedia and find Robert Heinlein. In addition to information there be informed that after serving at a desk through WWII (tuberculosis had forced him out of the Navy) he assembeled the think tank that included Asimov and 2 other Science Fiction writers. Working for a senior naval officer (Nimitz) at the end of the war they made recomendations for an atomic powered navy, submarine misseles, air to air/sea to sea misseles, and made the point that if the Air Force was not challenged by the Navy the inevitable expansion to other planets would bypass a water only navy. (check out how many pilots and commanders were Navy) Stranger in a Strange Land was written to shock the morality and single track minds in America. A lot of the concepts in this book led to the start of the hippy generation. That and subsequent books held positions on morals, marriage, government, fidelity, human geome projects, weapons, surrival, artificial intelligence, military service, and the right to die when you want to. Also look up his Naval Academy address "the Pragmatics of Patriotisim". It is the single best explanation of why I am a veteran. Heinlein belived firmly in surrival of the race and the individual, duty and resposibility as a way of life, women and children as the future of the race, being good,very good with your hands, and never ever going unarmed.
Look for the real hippies now and quite a few are in positions of power and wearing suits.