Author Topic: what arrow weight  (Read 841 times)

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what arrow weight
« on: October 10, 2009, 10:36:21 AM »
Guys I bit the bullet so to speak. I got an Alpine Ventura!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!! It is so quiet that all you hear is the arrow slamming the target. I got half a dozen arrows with it. I was told that they had discontinued the arrows that I got with the package. The arrows weight in at 470 grains at 30 inches. It shoots these at 300 fps over the chrony at the archery shop up the road. I for various reasons need to get new arrows, stinking target keeps moving....... no laughing. Anyone have any suggestions? I have looked at the heritage series from Carbon Express and the rebel hunter. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I bought some cheap 2217's and they group very well at 20-30 yds. Here piggy piggy

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Re: what arrow weight
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 11:22:14 PM »
Well not sure what your actual draw length is, or what poundage your pulling?

From the sounds of it probably around 70# or so.

I am shooting Easton Full Metal Jacket 340's at 29", and with a 100gr tip they weigh right at 470grs. They are awesome arrows, and if your getting the speed that you posted you will want to keep the 340 spine or stiffer. The FMJ's are a little pricey to me, being around $115 per dozen, but they penetrate like nobody's business and they are really tough arrows, being carbon on the inside of aluminum.

Other than those you might look into Alaskan Bowhunting's Grizzly Sticks, or Gold Tip's selection. In most cases your only going to get somewhere in the 10.2gr per inch range anyway, so you will just need to decided on which one you like the best either budget wise or performance wise.

Personally other than the FMJ's I also shoot the BPS version of Carbon Express 6075's, the Redhead Carbon Fury for around 54 bucks a dozen. They shoot just fine and also come in around 430grs cut to 28" and a 100gr tip for my older bow.

If your looking for heavy the FMJ's are the way to go with out having to use inserts or added weight, depending on which spine you go with or which arrow you could get from 10.2 grs per inch to 12.0, or getting into their Dangerous Game  label you can get up to 17grs per inch.  For deer and hogs however I figure you would be fine with anything from the standard FMJ's or the CE 6075's.

Try a few if you can of each and see which you like and which shoots the best.

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Re: what arrow weight
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2009, 02:07:21 AM »
41 mag is on the money with poundage and draw length. Arrow length is a biggy in the realm of arrow charting. I shoot a DXT 28" draw, 60# bow, my arrows are 28 1/2" in length. Carbon Express, Gold Tip, Carbon Force, to name a few all have reference charts to go by on their websites. Also it seems like everyone has a bit different way of measuring arrow length, I start from the nock valley some start at the nock tip. I shoot Carbon force stl hunter radial x weave 300's, and Carbon express 250 Maxima Hunter's. But I am going back to Gold Tip 5575 asap, they awesome.
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Re: what arrow weight
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 06:24:32 AM »
 Thanks guys,
 I am at 72# lbs and am drawing 29.5 "s. I have shot Gold Tips in the past and do like them. I have found the Carbon Express Heritage that will go up to 13.0 grains per inch. They are proud of them, so I will look at some of the others that you mentioned and have a go at it. My brother shoots the grizzly stix out of the recurve and long bow. Thank you guys I post when I get something. I know that shooting an aluminum arrow at 565 grains at forty yards I have a trajectory like a cinder block!!!!!!!

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Re: what arrow weight
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 06:30:07 AM »
Look at the PSE carbon force radial e-weaves, they go for about 60 to 80 a dozen for carbons don't know about aluminum.
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Re: what arrow weight
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 11:31:12 AM »
Not sitting here looking at an arrow chart, but if memory serves, 2217's in that length and poundage are not spined heavy enough. I like Carbon Express as they generally seem to be heavy for the spine/rated poundage and I really like the penetration I get with them. They do make lower lines at a better price point and if you're not shooting a lot of 3D or paper they will kill with the best of them.
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