Author Topic: .22 on deer  (Read 3803 times)

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Offline Rex in OTZ

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #30 on: May 27, 2009, 02:53:48 PM »
The easiest was a Enfield Mk1 III sporter purchased at a local yard sale for $30 with a zip lock sandwich bag of 15 rounds FMJ ammo, leather sling, paid cash all took longer to type than do it.

Moveing sale Chinese SKS paratrooper $150 cash, no paper work, no wateing for bearucrats no under anyones thumb.

Found a broken Savage 110 30-06 sticking out a rubbish heap had a busted stock and sheard scope from a snowmobile accident, paid $43 for a new walnut stock, used a hand-me-down scope, nice addition works great.

Blown up Hi-Point 995 9mm carbine found in garbage when helping landlord clean out home after deadbeat tennant left, boxed up the damaged firearm and sent to Hi-Point in OHIO, for $14.73 in postage I received a new firearm in return (Hi-Point firearms have a awesome waranty) they replaced blown up firearms, damaged guns of 2-3rd owners, even some been in house fires all replaced/fixed free of charge!!

Offline SmokeEater2

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2009, 03:26:19 PM »
Or here in Arkansas (don't know about other states) if I see a gun for sale in the newspaper want ads I contact the seller and if I decide I want it I pay the guy and take it home.

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #32 on: June 17, 2009, 03:32:46 PM »
I had an uncle, now deceased, that was unable to read, write, or even survive almost in the modern world.  He killed several deer every year with a 22.  The game warden knew about it, but kinda' overlooked it because he knew he needed the food, and the deer were on his property.  He just injuned up on them and shot them in the head.

I'm not condoning, just reporting.
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Offline Chilachuck

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #33 on: June 19, 2009, 04:44:32 AM »
If the deer is looking at you straight on, a shot to the throat just under the chin hits the spine. Otherwise a shot to the heart/lungs, right behind the elbow and sit and wait for the deer to collapse.

There might be a difference with the white tail because they are supposed to take off running. Black tail are like goats, they step behind a bush and watch to see what you do next.

One of the two deer that got away with a bullet in it was the first one I tried to head shoot.

Offline eaglesnester

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2009, 05:11:57 AM »
I would not use a 22LR on deer ever.  I would not put myself into a position where it would be necessary to use a 22LR to harvest survival table fare.  I live in the Northern Interior of B.C. Canada and carrying a 22LR to hunt with is a non starter. I can not figure out why one would choose a 22LR SURVIVAL rifle in the first place.  A Survival rifle should be at least a 308 in a configuration that can be used for home defense as well as something that can be used to harvest big game. A 22LR just does not fill the bill in any way shape or form.  Just picture yourself out in the bush, cold, wet, hungry, tired and a big 1200 lb cow moose steps out on to the trail 100 yards out.  All you got in your hand is your johnson.  A 22LR is probably the least desirable weapon you could want in a survival situation, it is just not powerful enough to do the jobs that may or may not come up.

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Offline WD45

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #35 on: August 30, 2009, 09:34:13 AM »
Well, you might not .. But then again maybe you have never been hungry enough. I don't know about the rest of you all but in a real survival situation where I need to eat or die then the ethics of what caliber to use on ANY game goes out the window. Very few of us live or even travel to a place where we will encounter moose or big bear. Is a 22LR the best survival gun ? Probably not.. but it kind of makes me wonder just how all those people survived before the 308.. OK let me put it this way..What if you are cold , wet , and hungry and a couple of doves land in a tree a few yards away..and all you got is a 308 loaded for moose

Offline pab1

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #36 on: August 30, 2009, 12:28:22 PM »
You can also carry 500+ rounds of .22lr in your pack with little effort and only taking up a small amount of space. The same cannot be said for centerfire rounds. Its not the "perfect" survival round, but every round will have some disadvantages. I would sure hate to be without a good .22lr in a survival situation.
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Offline teddy12b

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2009, 10:29:01 AM »
Great advice in this thread.  I've never used a 22LR for deer and I hope I never have to, but now I know where to aim.  Ever since Obama got elected I have become a bigger fan of the 22lr every day.  Even with ammo prices the way they are, $15 - $25 really isn't that bad when you consider you're getting 500 rounds of ammo that apparently can cleanly take a deer.


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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #38 on: September 02, 2009, 04:38:26 AM »
so   do  you'll  recomend  solids  or hollow points??

how  about  the stingers and other  hyper velocity?

how much better is the 22 magnum?
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Offline flintlock

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2009, 04:50:42 AM »
A .22 rimfire is also quiet, so it doesn't give away your position...In a survival situation I would suspect that you would kill many more squirrels, rabbits, coons, possums, turkeys, doves, quail, groundhogs, crows, foxes, cats, dogs and the like to eat vs deer...

I've used Remington solids and CCI Hollowpoints on deer...Either to the brain drops them...

A 1200 pound cow moose a hundred yards away doesn't present a threat, just let her pass...
I would suspect a cow would be closer to 800 pounds...

Offline Elijah Gunn

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #40 on: September 03, 2009, 01:21:43 AM »
Thanks flintlock. I was just going to ask which particular type of bullets work best, and I use both the Rem solids, and the CCI hollowpoints.
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Offline WD45

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Re: .22 on deer
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2009, 07:03:26 AM »
I like the solids for stuff like squirrel and braining a deer if I had to. There ain't much meat on a squirrel to begin with and the hollow points do alot of damage. Coons and groundhogs and such I like the hollow points. I like the 22 mag best. I can shoot 22 winchester for about 22LR performance or 22 mags if I want a little more power. I also like my single six with interchangable cylinders for 22LR and 22MAG