Yes, I have hunted in the rain and snow and I got wet and cold. I never really had any hunting clothes that were specialty to the hunting sport. We always just wore Carhartt coats or pants or bibs and the typical orange vest over the top of the coat. Nothing very elaborate. I finally got a pair of the felt pacs and those replaced the felt liners worn inside of 4 or 5 buckle boots. They were sure heavy but pretty warm. All of the mentioned clothing served dual purpose—work and hunting…
And by my own admission, in a previous post I indicated that I thought I filled out my doe license application incorrectly. I agree the laws have some vagueness and are often confusing. I have learned in many circumstances in life that things are not black and white. I honestly don’t know if the game laws are written so the enforcement officer can write violation because of his subjective interpretation of the law. Some hunters are adamant in their belief that this is the case—so be it…
Many of the stands and policies that the Game Commission has enacted, I don’t agree with either. I don’t agree with the antler restrictions. I never did agree with not being allowed to carry a handgun while spotting deer—although I believe that has changed now. I do not agree with some of the deer seasons and when they occur, but accept it. I am not in favor of Sunday hunting. But one thing is for sure, I am mature enough to realize the world does not revolve around me and there will always be things throughout my life that I have no control over. Maybe some of the hunting rules and regulations fall into that category…
I have seen hunting debates, political debates, and religious debates to name a few opinionated subject materials get so out of control that friendships are threatened. How ridiculous and immature—children in a sandbox…
Maybe I am not as stanch with my opinions as I am certainly not the avid-nothing-will-stop-me hunter that I used to be. I still hunt some, but it is not a “life and death” thing for me anymore…
And finally, I appreciate the offer of the “almost” waterproof clothing bolewine. But I assure you that I have ample money to be able to purchase whatever clothing I might need for most any situation that I may be confronted with in my life; as I live and remain in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or is it “Pennsyltuckey”? Guess I have never been in those foothills, but I have been in every state in this United States of America with the exception of four of them. And now that I think of it, I have even been around this amazing world one time during the distant past. Enjoy hunting…BCB