Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, As GB say, shoot em and your rifle may like em.
The tried and sometimes true information about having your bullets seated so many thousands off the lands, sometimes is correct.
However, it is time well spent, once you think you have found "the load" for your rifle, to try some groups a bit shorter and possibly longer.
The longer of course depending on length of magazine and/or depending on the relationship of bullet to lands.
Loads worked up with the bullets off the lands can rapidly increase in pressure if the bullet is suddenly jammed into the lands at the same loading density/powder change.
Playing with bullet seating depth has at times, been likened to the adjustments made with a "Boss" muzzle break, changing the "harmonics" of the barrel as the bullet seating depth is changed.
It is worth spending a bit of time at the bench, just to see if it works for you.
Besides, bench time is good time!
Keep em coming!