Author Topic: Winchester 1400 magazine throat replacement  (Read 3405 times)

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Offline 44magfan

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Winchester 1400 magazine throat replacement
« on: September 28, 2003, 05:18:02 AM »
Can someone please advise me on how to remove the magazine tube for throat replacement. Have the new throat and it looks to thread on magazine tube but tube looks to be pressed into frame. Any information would be appreciated.

Offline gunnut69

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Winchester 1400 magazine throat replacement
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2003, 07:01:40 AM »
I've never replaced one but the diagram seems to indicate the throat is removed with the tube still installed on the receiver.  It seems much too large to enter the recever though the magazine tube hole.  Sorry I couldn't be of more help..
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Offline 44magfan

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[b]figured it out[/b]
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2003, 07:48:44 AM »
Found info on as follows:  :grin:

Remove the barrel,forearm,action spring,action bar
and trigger guard assembly.You should have the receiver and stock left
in your hands.Now put the nut back on the mag tube and make sure it is on tight.
Place the butt stock on something that is firm and will not damage your stock.Your gun should now point upwards from the floor.
With all of the parts off the gun get a rubber mallet and firmly hit the top of the barrel nut.
This will then push the mag tube back into the receiver and be careful when you get close to the point where the tube will become free and the follower will shoot back inside the receiver as the mag spring is still in the
mag tube.What I do is put a cloth inside the receiver to catch the parts.
To reinstall,put the spring ,follower and plastic piece back together as best as you can and pull it back into the receiver.To seat it firmly back I clamp the barrel nut in a vise with a protective jaw and use the plastic mallet
and hit the front of the receiver rearwards-which inturn pulls the tube back into place.

Offline gunsmither

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Winchester 1400 magazine throat replacement
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2003, 05:18:45 PM »
:D I suggest caution in regard to putting the buttstock on the floor when driving out the tube. You may end up with a cracked stock. I'd suggest just holding the receiver in a gloved hand while you drive the tube into the receiver with a rubber mallet. A few really good whacks straight on the tube cap should do it.

Before driving out the tube, you should also put a witness mark on the tube and receiver, to enable you to line up the tube exactly as it was originally, so the op rod slot lines up.

I use a slide hammer arrangement that I made for this job. It fits on the tube, and I use a large brass washer to cushion the impact againt the mag tube cap. This taps the tube with new throat, or throats (early guns are two piece, might be interchangable ?), back into the receiver. I made it from a tin can that I poured lead into, with a mag tube sized clearance hole in the center. Good luck and Safe Shooting! _"gunsmither"  :D