Regrets that it is in Danish, but here are fine photo. 2006
Test Shooting
of 18-pound cannon model 1757
in Oksbøl shoot off
Tuesday 29 August 2006.
Photo H.U. Hansen (HAS)
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This report was prepared by the engineer George's men, who, on behalf
of the Army Artillery School was responsible for technical planning and
implementation of the experimental firing.
The report aims:
• to talk about the experiment,
• reporting on the measurement results were recorded, and
• Based on these results demonstrate that the canoe's performance.
Reproduction electricity. reproducing parts of it may only take place
with author's permission and only with an indication of source.
Varde, 29 September 2006
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Table of Contents.
Foreword. 2
Dates and gun data. 4
Ammunition. 4
Measurements. 5
Shooting Program and measurable results. 6
Analysis. 7
Photos. 12
• Drawing and data on gun 12
• Ammunition 13
• canon ball and seal 14
• Fængrør and fænghul 15
• Velocity Curves (0.5 and 1.0 kg. Gunpowder) 16
• Rikochet 17
• Velocity Curves (1.5 and 2.0 kg. Gunpowder) 18
• "Final Shot" 19
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1. Prior to the public test firing Wednesday, 30 August was
29 August 2006 in collaboration between the Fund Nyborg fortress,
Oksbøllejren and Army Artillery School conducted a test firing
of a newly renovated 18-pound cannon model 1757, as a daily part of
the fortress guns, which are set at Nyborg Violence. Some of the images
is the firing of 30 August 2006.
2. Cannon, which weighs 2570 kg. Are manufactured in the Czech Republic after the original
Drawings from the Royal Arsenal Museum (see picture 1 and 2).
3. Ammunition.
• Cargo, which was donated by art explosives expert Lars Barfod, was
produced at the Army gunpowder mill in Frederiksværk. To experiment
used cargo sizes of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kg. Gunpowder
consists of 75% saltpetre, 10% sulfur and 15% charcoal (see photo No. 3
and 4).
• cannon ball was a 134 mm ball with a weight of 9.9 kg. In order to "get
maximum yield of gunpowder gas "was the ball of" Lunt Driver "Conny
Pandura from Salut Ring Made embedded in a tøjpose where the bottom
first was placed straw and then hemp rope. Having shot the exit
was only the straw and hemp rope is then pressed to the side,
thus creating a good seal behind the cannonball. (see
photo 5).
• Fængslende tube was a modified fængrør from 1918 (see picture 6).
Percussion tube placed in the prison hole and aftrækkersnoren be settled in
noose on percussion tube, after which warm out at a "healthy" traits in aftrækkersnoren
ignites the primer tube, which then ignites the charge.
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4. Measurements.
• Continuous velocity measurements were
made with a Doppler radar type
ED6200 associated with Velocity Analyzer
DR5000 from fa. Terma. Based
these measurements, it is possible to determine
"Kanonkuglens" initial speed
and braking coefficient (CDværdi)
as a function of the sphere current
speed. Initial speed as
function of load weight and CDværdien
basis for subsequent
analysis and conclusions.
(CD is an abbreviation for "drag coefficient").
• Measurement of the maximum pressure inside the gun tube
were made with a "crushergauge".
A small cylinder with associated
stamp - between the piston and the back wall
of the cylinder is placed a small copper piece.
Before and after firing measured
length of this copper piece, the difference
in length is a measure of the maximum
pressure that has been in the gun tube
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5. Shooting Program and the results shown in the following table (I):
All shots are shot with an elevation of 7 °.
*) Denotes gun runway maximum height above the ground.
7-11 seen in the pictures the recorded speed curves, and
a photo of the cannon ball, which hits the babe over the ground.
According to specifications from the Czech factory could gun
withstand maximum chamber pressure of 2000 bar. For the purposes of
2 kg. gunpowder was the maximum pressure measured at less than ""500 bar"".
Gunpowder Beginning Speed Shot Distance ordinate *) Discount Rate
[Kg] [m / sec] [meters] [meters] [meters / second]
0.5 148.4 490 1.6 127
1.0 208.1 875 2.9 158
1.5 293.6 1325 4.8 173
2.0 371.5 1520 6.2 175
Photo K. Glud (Artillery Museum)
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