When everyone else said you could not make a .22 Mag semi auto, Kodiak said, "We can." They did, but how well is a matter of history. Others have them now and none too many. Kodiak wilted and died (as Mr. 'beard suggests)... SO you are into that vast wasteland of "parts"... I have relied for years on hard copy of Shotgun News. (Shotgunnews.com if not on your newstand.) Therein there are ads by people/firms that stock a little of everything. You have to hunt, for the firm and for the part. SARCO (of NJ) comes to mind but I was seeking Mauser 98 parts. (Got a barrel from WW I, 29 inches, never mounted.) Kodiak? Never looked. Gun Parts is the biggest and very good service and price reflects same. If they don't list it, hone your hunting skills. Any gun show is another option. No telling what is laying about cheap. (Junk collectors.) And you can "net search", google, dogpile, startpage, yahoo, etc. No telling what any will turn up. Hope you are not in a hurry. Luck.