Yes there is. Wolffe Springs makes a kit with different weight springs so you can get the best pull possible. They are for small frames like your M94 and M85 and others. Check Brownells or Midway. I don't know if Mid-South has them. My M94 took the lightest trigger rebound spring and the medium hammer spring. I got misfires with the light hammer one. You won't be sorry if your gun is like mine. My hammer and sear are perfect so I just needed springs to lighten it up. SA pull is almost too light but it is crisp like a target trigger. DA rapid fire is like shooting an auto loader it's so smooth and light. It's an easy fix, just be carefull to not booger your side plate screws. Compress the springs and stick a bent paper clip in the retaining hole and remove. God Bless and good luck !!