One day i was at the range with my Ruger single six, i had the 22 mag cylinder in it & the guy next to me told me that it was throwing stuff on him (i think that it's called blow by ) I thought that it was out of time so i took it to a gun smith & he said that it seemed OK to him. I went home & started looking it it myself, i got a short cleaning rod & slid it down the barrel to see if it lined up with the cylinder,It was smaller than the bore & had a flat edge so i could move it around & fell the edge of different parts of the cylinder, on some holes i couldn't fell the cylinder (it was lined up) other holes i could feel it on one side but not the other, some i could feel it on the top but not the bottom, this tells me that something is wrong.
But here is the kicker, i put the 22LR cylinder in & all holes lined up perfectly, any thoughts will be appreciated