ref my original post about this mortar:
After the 2nd cylinder I cut in half, I found one that would accept a bowling ball. The circumference measured aprox. 27 7/8" . Windage is about 1/4". I can do more measurements if anyone is interested. I cut the valve from the cylinder with a band saw and "faced" the end untill it was about 3.5"flat with a hole of about 1.5". Using a piece of 1018 cold rollled steel, 4" dia X 5" long, I bored a "chamber" 1.780" X 2.548" deep, and faced it leaving a"insert" into the O2 cylinder aprox. 0.4" deep, press fitted. We then welded the chamber to the cylinder With TIG welding.
Probably what concerns you is the pic of the inside of the bore. It shows the "step'd" down diameter where it was pressed into the O2 cyl. I don't remember if you commented on it before, but what do you think?
I have shot it, hmm, maybe 50 times now. Mostly with charges the exceed the chamber volume. And mostly with FFg, but have even used FFFg when it was handy.