Humm sounds like we need a "Paul Harvey Moment"
'rest of the story ?' suffice to say that dom 75 'can be' very loud .........
where is that pic of the cannon held upside down like a dead trophy ?
that sure was a good shoot dd that MT are outta my hair for a while , maybe i can git something done !
nice day here ......... lets just move on , you know ...look foward ......
suffice to say .....'impact flats' or whatever kunze called it is closed till further notice ! for cause .
"cause" i like my liberty to walk around freely ......without certain vehicals driving through nieghborhoods looking
for the reason the 911 operator was ...alerted ! two tone cars ...... u NO dee jauns
thanks elcaz66 on the shirt , pretty much my full time uniform . ummm pinia colata .....?
dan AWSOME ,now i know what you bean up to .
todays is go day ...i had to wait for mt to leave !