Author Topic: Extraction Problem - 1909 Argentine Mauser  (Read 1057 times)

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Offline dondford

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Extraction Problem - 1909 Argentine Mauser
« on: September 30, 2009, 03:50:03 AM »
I have built a 7x57 on a 1909 Argentine action.  The rifle is shooting a 3/4" group at 100 yds and I'm very pleased with that.  I am having a problem with extraction.  It fails to extract 3/4 of the rounds shot.  I have swapped out the extractor with no improvements.  If I load three rounds in the magazine and cycle the unfired rounds it extracts perfectly; the problem is extracting fired cases.  The fired cases are NOT sticky, when it fails to extract the cases are partly out of the chamber and I can just hook a finger nail on the case and pull it out or just point the rifle up and the case slides out.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Offline Bigeasy

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Re: Extraction Problem - 1909 Argentine Mauser
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2009, 08:38:19 AM »

The 1909 is an excellent action.  I have one in 35 whelen, and it works great.  If you can pick the empties out with your finger, then my guess is the claw extractor is not getting a proper grip in the case rims.  Being controled round feed, its picking up the loaded cases and chambering them properly.  Upon firing, the extractor seems to be loosing its grip on the case.  I'm not sure why the extractor would be a little oversize, but it sounds like it.  I would spend the $ to have a gunsmith properly fit a new claw extractor.  Shouldn't be that much.

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Offline PA-Joe

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Re: Extraction Problem - 1909 Argentine Mauser
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 08:44:25 AM »
Are you feeding from the magazine or are you placing loose rounds into the chamber? If loose then the controlled round extractor will not fully grab hold of the case causing the problem you have. Also check the chamber to make certain that nothing is blocking or catching the extractor when you close the bolt.

Offline gunnut69

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Re: Extraction Problem - 1909 Argentine Mauser
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2009, 08:55:47 AM »
If the extractor blade is getting a good bite of the case head then it's spring tension is insuggicient to keep it engaged. Also the side of the case head oposite the extractor blade could be gone. This 'fence' provides the mauser with something to push against. It's lack can lead to finicky extraction. To tension the mauser the extractor leaf behind the engagement lug is bent toward the bolt body, with the extractor removed of course. Usually this condition is the result of poor extractor removal practices. To remove the extractor it is rotated PAST the end of it's track. when holding the bolt with the face away from you the is the position just to the right side of the guide groove. This end is usually ramped to allow easy camming of the guide foot from it's path. As soon as the extractor guide foot (lug) is out of it's groove the extractor can be tapped forward and off the bolt body. Some ti,es these tails get softened and refuse to maintain tension of the extractor, then the extractor must be replaced of re-tempered. It is also possible some misguided soul has ground the blade of the extractor in a attempt to make it 'jump' into the extraction groove on the case. Extractors so altered almost always need replacement.. To single load a mauser without feeding the round from the magazine insert the round into the chamber and as the bolt is in the last stage of closing apply pressure on the tail between the rear rub pad and the rotating extractor lug. This will allow the extractor flex and clear the case rim..
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