Author Topic: college hunting  (Read 1333 times)

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Offline pahardwoods

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college hunting
« on: March 30, 2009, 11:13:24 AM »
interesting yes, but i am goign to be a junior in highschool this upcoming year (Fox Chapel Area School District). I need to really begin to consider colleges and a big part in my decision making is my hunting availability around the campus. I am a travel hockey player and shoudl go to college with that but the forest is just as much a love of mine. i want to hunt avidly while in college and i want some good opinions on where as to look to go. I hunt/fish around 10 minutes outside the clarion and the slippery rock universities. i knwo penn state has good hunting land around there. other than the BYU and ASU and Montana university i want to look at the local schools as options to. i want to hear ur stories suggestions and opinions about college hunting. will i even have enough time to get out in the woods? :-\ thanks for reading
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Offline Wyo. Coyote Hunter

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2009, 12:33:01 PM »
 :) Pa., the campus's in the east,for example in Pa. ,will offer you the chance to hunt after school and on weekends. In the far west, you may have to drive 30 or more miles to get away from campus to hunting areas. Usually, the colleges in the west are in fairly large cities. In Pa., you can be off the Clarion Campus in just a few minutes into forests or game lands.  I don't think the hunting there is nearly what it once was, but what there is, is far easier to access than in the far west. :-[ :-\ Clarion was a nice campus at one time. Some of the northern schools are also located in good country. ;) Plus there used to be lots of small game in those hills, and most professors, at least when I attended school there, were not too bent out of shape if you went deer hunting opening day instead of going to class. ;D :D ;) As a friend, I will suggest you brush up on your writing skills before hitting college. They used to have a class called comp 1 and 2. They will hammer you into the ground if you cannot write a decent composition. I know when I write, I have errors, but for thirty years I had to be perfect. Now I don't. But you will need very good writing skills to survive in college. ;) Just an honest hint. :-\

Offline JPSaxMan

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2009, 07:10:45 AM »
Check your PM's.

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Offline Miller

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 06:44:41 PM »
Lake Superior State  in the U.P. of Michigan. Great hockey school and the hunting i very good in the U.P. from everything I've ever read.

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2009, 12:03:34 PM »

I graduated from Clarion University of Pennsylvania and I have spent much time hunting in Clarion County.  My advantage is the fact that I also live in Clarion County…

That said, I think your first concern at college should be the quality of education you wish to acquire, and how you plan on achieving that goal.  The sports and hunting should be secondary in nature.  If you are indeed good enough at sports to earn a scholarship, more power to you—that can be used to your advantage.  You will have plenty of time to hunt after college and some during college also…

Chances are that with a good education you most likely will get a better paying career and maybe more leisure time with that job.  Leisure time and more money can lend itself to more hunting---just my opinion…


Offline Halwg

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2009, 05:04:02 AM »
Where are you going to keep your guns when you are in college?  Most campuses today frown on firearms.
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Offline Skunk

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2009, 07:18:21 AM »
Well, I might be a bit biased, but if you want the option of hunting while attending college, you can't beat any of the schools in the Wisconsin University system. In fact, I can't think of one school in the entire system where hunting is more than 20-30 minutes from the school, including the Madison and Milwaukee campuses. Some of smaller campuses like UW-Superior or UW-Stevens Point, you could practically fall out of your bed at the dorm and be at the hunting camp. ;)

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Offline deerhunter87

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2009, 08:31:27 AM »
the gun issue is not to bad for people that do it legaly. at least at my school. you can check them into the campus police station and they put them in a locker for you to hold them the only thing is getting them out and putting them back in. i my self never checked them in i just stored at a buddies place. there is plenty of state game land around as well as farms that you can try to ask to hunt on. but if you are in clarion area check out IUP too idk how well their hokey team obvously they are not a huge big time school but that is where i am currently going. I would also look at what you want to major in as well. best of luck

Offline Skunk

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Re: college hunting
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2009, 07:04:20 AM »
I would also look at what you want to major in as well.

Yeah, PaHardwoods, forget the hunting until you get your school work finished. And stay away from those damn beer parties. :D

I see that PaHardwoods hasn't visited us here since June...maybe he didn't like our suggestions?  :D

"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" - Frank Loesser