If your local powder dealer does not have it and you want them to carry it, tell them to contact Indiana Ordnance Plant. That's the demil contract. They are able to sell the salvaged black powder to dealers who have a Federal Explosive License. Last I checked, minimum order quantity wholesale was 3000 lbs. Wholesale price was about $2. per lb, but I haven't chec ked in a year. I found a dealer in E. KY who sold it for about $5. per lb. as I recall. It was in 3 oz. bags, very course stuff from 155mm bags. You can use the bags as is but it can leave some plastic residue in the gun. The powder can vary in performance depending on how much moisture that particular bag happened to pick up during its lifetime. it is OK for blank loads. As I recall the grains are larger than cannon grade. There are often other granulations available which I have not tried.