The cheapest rifle with a good trigger and excellant accuray is a 69A Winchester. They'll shoot better'n you can hold and the trigger can be adjusted to around 3 pounds with a screw driver. I a bit more dollars are there the M75 Winchester will give even better accuracy and a really great triggger. They come with match chambers and barrels. The M52(C) or better is the gratest but the prices are horrid! So buy one of th repros! The triggers are great, adjustable and they shoot really well. The CZ's shoot better but the triggers require more work. The kits work OK but the Timney conversion is better.. If you must have an autoloader buy one of the old Weatherby MK.XXII's. The semi auto ones. They are sized for an adult the trigger is screwdriver adjustable and they shoot really well and for not a lot moer than a rebuilt 10-22!! They even come with(generally anyway) pretty wood, claro walnut and most with rosewood tip and cap..