Author Topic: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!  (Read 4370 times)

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Offline Cheesehead

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2009, 10:46:47 AM »
I just bought some .277 130 grain Ballistic Tips for my 6.8 SPC. They should perform well at these lower velocities, they may be perfect for this cartridge.

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Offline Accubond 700

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2009, 07:36:14 PM »
Well, I have been on this board for a few months and this thread has finally caused me to get my powder wet.

The original ballistic tips that came out had a very thin jacket,they were great on critters and target shooting.The 2nd Generation B/t's were improved to take large game.Killed aot of things with them.

But the one and only bullet I shoot now are the Accubonds.Hands down the best bullet on the market for accuracy and performance.I dont like to chase deer after they have been shot,I like for them to go about 2 ft--2 ft straight to the ground ;D

Any bullet can perform bad -depending on the shooter.

Offline rickt300

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2009, 02:50:07 PM »
I have been shooting 150 grain Ballistic Tips for 5 years now out of my 7x57 and I am still waiting to recover one from a deer or to have one go more than 20 feet. This would cover 12 deer as I use other rifles also. I load Partitions and Accubonds out of my 7MM RM but I don't use it much for deer either.
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Offline kiddekop

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #33 on: February 05, 2009, 06:04:10 PM »
I sure hope you keep droping those rascals in the tracks cause the day one runs off you will not have a blood trail.  I have talked to many folks that love the BTs but after shooting two and another friend shooting three and not one had a drop of blood that could be found I quit using BTs.

Best of luck to you ;)
Every deer hunter needs to carry a spray bottle of Hydrogen peroxide with them when deer hunt so they can locate the blood trail ,blood with foam up when hit with hydrogen peroxide,it's cheap under a buck a bottle.

Offline rickt300

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2009, 05:17:51 AM »
Thats almost funny, how many bottles do you carry when your shooting Barnes X bullets. A gallon ought to cover 200 yards or so. Not one drop of blood? Sounds like some poor shooting. A properly lung hit deer will bleed thru it's nose even without an exit.  Every 150 grain 7MM Ballistic Tip that hit a deer provided me with an exit hole and a big one at that.  Blood trails have mostly amounted to a huge puddle under the deer that went nowhere. If you don't find the deer than bullet placement is to blame, properly hit deer are easy to find. 
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Offline kix

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2009, 05:56:08 AM »
  I used to use them in my .270-150 grainers. I don't anymore not from bad experience just the simple fact I don't like paying for 50 bullets when deer are not that hard to kill with something more economical. One time, in a swaying tripod (due to a howling cold-front) I hit a 8-point in the left ham. Of course it required a finisher but the damage from the B.T. on the ham was god-awful, it was literally blown away like a bomb. About a year later I hit a big 4x4 Mulie with the same .270 and after the shot all I saw was 4 feet in the air-DRT. Last year on my lease a buddy shot a S.Texas 6-point with a 6mm Rem. and 90 gr. B.T.;the bullet exited and again,DRT.And they are very accurate bullets from my experience. I would use them again except for the fact I'm reloading for several rifles and I have to cut back somewhere.  Kix

Offline jordisonkevin

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2009, 11:18:30 AM »
I use the 95 grain ballistic tips in my .243 and have had very good results. Buddy shot about the same size deer is the same spot from close to the same distance with his 30-06 and when we were skining them out I would say there was more damage done by the .243 than the 06. I have also used these bullets on coyotes and have had very good results. Badgers hate them to haha.

Offline kiddekop

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #37 on: October 12, 2009, 05:05:11 PM »
Thats almost funny, how many bottles do you carry when your shooting Barnes X bullets. A gallon ought to cover 200 yards or so. Not one drop of blood? Sounds like some poor shooting. A properly lung hit deer will bleed thru it's nose even without an exit.  Every 150 grain 7MM Ballistic Tip that hit a deer provided me with an exit hole and a big one at that.  Blood trails have mostly amounted to a huge puddle under the deer that went nowhere. If you don't find the deer than bullet placement is to blame, properly hit deer are easy to find. 
Not every deer or elk is a dead bang with a single shot,friends of mine tracted a wounded colorado mule buck for a new female hunter(first shot)but never found it so I told them about H202 when they told me the story.Another hunter was about to spend bucks on a wounded deer locator when I mentioned H202 he's a former viet nam medic and a male nurse who never thought of hydrogen peroxide.Barnes are pricey instead I buy Nosler etip, accubond,ballistic tip & partition blems on for mule deer & elk.

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #38 on: October 13, 2009, 01:31:53 AM »
They are ok for varmints.
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Offline charles p

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #39 on: October 13, 2009, 02:46:48 AM »
The Nosler BT was the most accurate hunting bullet I ever tried on paper, but I no longer use them on whitetails.  The BT either works great or completely fails.  Where I hunt, a deer that runs 40 yards into a swamp or a grown up cutover may be a lost deer. 

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #40 on: October 13, 2009, 04:53:43 AM »
 :D ;D :D, this was quite a thread, over the years, we have shot  mule deer, whitetail deer, antelope, elk, moose, black bear, and caribou with ballistic tips. My wife, shot a huge cow moose with a 140 grain 7mm, that took one step, and I think that step was started as she shot. My pal uses these for all his big game hunting I think, and he has shot numerous elk with them. For us they have been very satisfactory...... ;)


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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #41 on: October 13, 2009, 08:55:20 AM »
In the end its bullet placement , After a bad shot the shooter and gun determine the location of hit more than anything else . BUT the bullet is no longer around to defend itself .
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #42 on: October 13, 2009, 09:59:08 AM »
You can always go heavy for caliber when possible with those bullets to achieve an exit.
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Offline emsemt911

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #43 on: October 13, 2009, 05:53:30 PM »
Balistic tip ammo has many different purposes and are designed differently. 
Originally ballistic tips were best used on varmits.  Sine tech has increased, so has the ballistic tip. 
Some big game ballistic tips, the plastic tip actually started the mushroom effect.

Offline rickt300

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Re: it finally happened...ballistic tip hit deer ran!
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2009, 04:34:58 AM »
I have used three versions of the Ballisitic Tips the most, they are the 165 gr. 30 caliber, the 150 gr. 7MM and the 95 gr. 6MM. I have not had a deer travel more than 20 feet when hit with these bullets and I have yet not to get an exit hole. I had a hog run down hill 50 feet or so once and it looked like he was spraying blood down the trail.
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