Thanks for the reply. I think I figured it out after a eight hour run at lubing these bullets. The lube grooves are tapered ! No matter what I did it would pull the lube out of the groove. If I dip the bullets in the warm lube and put on a tray to cool, the lube stays on them but doesn't fill the grooves full, just a coating . What a pain that is! Not to mention time consuming, Nothing is ever simple is it?
So I guess we will have to stay with the mess of soft lube on the fingers while hunting or plinking. there isn't much you can do with the bullet as it is shaped unless one uses liquid Alox and that isn't really good with black powder. It gums the barrel up and make a mess to clean.
So for now I am going to stay with Wonder lube and forget the pan lubing for a while, until I can get another bullet with a different groove design.