Cost of shipping pigeons is all but prohibitive. For training birds dogs you don't need homers, ferel pigeons will do fine. Any farmer with a barn full will likely be glad to have you trap them or go in a night with a flashlight and pick them up. I started with ferals over 20 years ago and haven't had to catch birds since and have never bought birds. Ferals will home from farther than your likely to train. I've had them come home from right at 100mi. I have about 50 on hand right now and a bunck of squabs recently hatched out. By the end of next summer I will probably have given away another 50 or so to guys starting coops. I sold about a hundred a couple years ago just to get rid of them but won't sell any more. If your this way, bring a cardboard box and I'll give you enought to start a coop.