It's in the 20s today, never warmed up to freezing. That's a switch, last week it was in the 60s. Still no snow. Went out and set some traps for Beaver in the area where I have been shooting them. Right in front of the lodge there is open water where it is flowing fast. I stepped out of the canoe to set the trap and my feet slipped. Went in up to my waist.
"Since you are down there here set these traps". My partner said. So I drove six poles into the bottom, and set three conniber 330s. Climbed back into the canoe and paddled back to the truck. Drove the five miles back to the house. Stripped down, dried off, put on dry clothes, chilled bad. Built a fire in the fireplace, sitting beside the blower, and still can't warm up. My feet and legs are like ice.
Wife says as I get older I become more of a wuss.