I just
dug deeply and purchased four (4) Recon Talon IR's in B/W. This infrared camera (@ $299.00 ea.) is quite crisp in photo to photo comparisons and reaches out to a reported 40 feet (reported best at 25 to 30). Check out
www.chasingame.com for a LOT of impressive side by side camera comparisons then go shopping for your best price.
No one can decide for you which is best. I decided on four cameras. Two to watch two. If the first is discovered, perhaps I will get them in the act of tearing it up. Restitution will be one form of justice. I am also having some 3/8" inch plate steel boxes made for housing these plastic toys.
I am not impressed with today's "technology" in trail camera tree/aiming attachment (glued on plastic channel to back of unit), "security" (nylon web strap - you've got to be kidding me), and horrific battery life (batteries only last one to four weeks depending on the camera and its use) to get me started.
Purchasing the camera is NOT the last purchase you will make (this list is not meant to scare...just educate):
...Compact Flash card (~$30.00/ea....you may want two per camera)
...regular batteries (and lots of them @ ~$8.00 per stack of 6)
...or rechargeable batteries (@ $45.00 a stack of 6)
...a battery charger (@ say $90.00 for a micro-processor 8-position)
...a connection to the home computer for the Compact Flash card (~$15.00)
...Python cable locks for "securing" your camera to a tree or post (@ $25.00/ea.)
...or the more expensive route of shop fabricated 3/8" steel boxes (@ $275.00 ea.).
So start small or be ready for a large initial investment into something that may be seen, stolen, shot up, or destroyed without providing you the information you seek. Or, you may get EXACTLY what you need to get some of your stuff back and to prosecute. A judgement against someone with nothing gives you nothing but the bad public press may be all that is necessary. Prosecution is a tough financial and time-dependent decision, but the right one, every time.
Shoot the idiots with a camera. It is a hunting "game" like none you have ever experienced.