The waste weed field behind our house was mowed this week. This the city law that weeds have to be under 6 inches. It looks like hell now, the dried sunflowers and all looked better, a fire break had already been mowed.
There has been a fox living out there (in city) all summer. The idiot on the mower circled the fox hole where the fox went down, then ran over the hole dragging the rotary mower across. We haven't seen the fox since, so I am pretty sure he crushed or smothered him. Since this is the city, there are no chickens, or such to worry about. It was fun to watch the little guy sun himself, and catch prarie dogs at times. I am PO'd at the guy, it is not like he was protecting any of his assets, maybe just a few cats.
I look at this different than hunting or getting rid of varmints. It is in the same category as swerving to hit a dog in the street.