I'm blessed enough that I "could" stand in my doorway and drop a deer most any morning.
I can shoot both sexes here in season. I was watching a 2 year old doe this morning and a yearling was still trying to nurse.
To the guy with the permit problem in St Lawrence county, have him contact Atty. Gary Miles.
I carry anywhere in NY except NY City. When ever I was stopped in a traffic roadblock, I always alerted the cop that I was carrying concealed with a permit. I never have been asked to see the weapon nor the permit. I do travel to the reservation and thats a whole diff ball game. Gotta love my Indian friends.
Too bad the drug problem is so bad up there and the smuggling is bad my neck of the woods.
I used to stand in the woods at night and watch them unload. They never knew I was there, which is probably a good thing.
It's good thing the tourists are gone. I can wonder farther away from my cabins now.
GB, if you could visit the north country, you might like it here. Its actaully better than we make it sound.The 1000 Islands are beautiful. Northen Lights in the winter.I can lay in bed at night and hear the geese flying and the coyotes howling. I don't think I could get used to the heat in Alabama. To each his own.
The Hermit