Author Topic: 45/70 Contender question  (Read 1151 times)

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Offline handgunhuntr

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45/70 Contender question
« on: October 05, 2003, 04:06:21 PM »
I am considering a Contender purchase in 45/70 Government.  What I would like to know is a recoil question.  Is the 16 1/4 inch barrel with tamer easier to handle than the 14 inch non-ported?  What is the recoil similar to?  Would a 15 inch Encore better handle the recoil because of the weight?  Any info and personal experience would be greatly appreciated.
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Offline MePlat

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45/70 Contender question
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2003, 01:36:48 AM »
I have a Contender in 45/70 that had no brake or porting then I had it ported and the recoil is more straight back and didn't (in my opinion) help worth a hoot.  My buddy hads a Hunter barrel with a tamer and 405 gr loads at 1500 is heavy but not out of the range of a person who can mentally handle recoil.  If you think a 44 Mag recoils stay away from one until you can shoot one with upper loads.  I am speaking of warmed up loads such as a 400 gr at 1500 to 1600 and the 500 gr Hornady to 1400.  With factory loads like Win or Rem or Fed. the recoil like a 10 inch 44 mag with 300 gr loads.
Now with an Encore you can add 200 or so fps to the above velocities and with the tapered barrel and no brake it is unbelievable fun every time you touch it off.  It is the roughest recoiling gun I have especially with 550 gr cast at 1450 to 1500 fps.
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Offline n4thethrill

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45/70 Contender question
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2003, 04:48:34 PM »
I have a contender "super 16"  with tamer i shoot 405 gr with ease. i had a 14" with no brake, after shooting the two diff. barrels i would opt for the one with the tamer. however if you are recoil sensative you may want to get a pair of uncle mikes shooting gloves. they work wonders

Offline chazgin

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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2003, 06:17:53 PM »
I have an SSK 45/70 with JD's brake on it. I shoot higher end 400 gr for hunting. The recoil is straight back and IMHO not as bad as my Dan Wesson 445 Supermag (no brake). Don't know about the TC's Muzzletamer but JD's brake is great! However, as somebody said before "if you find 44 Mag recoil objectionable" don't do this. It is an acquired taste. One more comparison; I also have a 357 Herrett in 14" no brake. The 200 gr loads have quite a fair amount of recoil,  more so than a full power heavy bullet 44 Mag. I like the SSK 45/70 barrel better.

Offline Geno

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45/70 Contender question
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 02:59:53 AM »
I have a 16" with factory muzzle tamer in Contender. I love it. About 10 rounds at a sitting is all I can handle. I have never tried the round without a muzzle tamer so cant compare to anything else. Nearest example I can compare to is hitting a brick wall with a baseball bat, try that several times, this is what it feels like to me. I kind of got used to it. Sure makes the .480 Ruger and .44Mag feel like a sweet little kitty-cat after that.

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45/70 Contender question
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2003, 01:25:15 AM »
I too had to have a 16" Contender 45/70.  Shot it twice the first day (second shot was to confirm the pain), and immediately sent it off for a muzzle brake.  Came back, still uncomfortable to shoot.  I then got a Pachmayr decelerator grip and the Past shooting gloves.  Now I can easily stay at the range and shoot 20-30 shots at a time without flinching.

Offline DanL

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45/70 Contender question
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2003, 05:04:56 AM »
I think a lot of it depends on the grips.  I shoot a scoped, 14" barrel w/no brake and Pachmayr grips and the recoil is very manageble.  On my old-style TC with original grips I have much harder time shooting a 10" 44 mag, something about the quality of the recoil being way different.

I changed the grips on my 454 SRH from the Rugers to Hogues and the gun became a joy to shoot.  After that I began experimenting with different grips for the TC and found that Pachs do really well for me.

Recoil on the 45-70 handgun is stout, no doubt, but IMO it is far less painful than hammering your shoulder with the same load out of a lever action.