Author Topic: How to fix Contender problem?  (Read 712 times)

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Offline Dance

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How to fix Contender problem?
« on: October 08, 2003, 01:14:01 PM »
Hi All,
Picked up a 22 and 35 barrel for my Contender, along with the 223 Barrel that I already have and have started having a problem.  I have had this gun for awhile and haven't shot it much. What is happening is that the bar that comes between the frame/firing pin and the hammer when you break open the gun isn't going down all the way when the hammer is cocked. So when you cock the hammer and pull the trigger the hammer hits the bar instead of the firing pin.  The hammer is stopped a small distance from the firing pin.
What do I need to do to fix this?  It may be dirty and need cleaned and lubed to work correctly? Or is there a spring that needs to be replaced?  Best bet to get a manual or diagram and take it apart and find out for myself? =)
Thanks for any help.

Offline contendernut

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How to fix Contender problem?
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2003, 02:44:15 PM »

There are two causes: locking bolts too tall to engauge the butterfly safety or the sliding safety may have dirt/oil on it preventing it from moving.  If it does it only with a particular barrel then it is probably the locking bolts.  Remove barrel and engauge the butterfly safety near the trigger under the firing pins.  You will be able to move it.  If the sliding safety moves out from under the hammer when you pull the trigger and move the hammer off it, then it is the lugs.  You can take a fine file or diamond stone and remove a little off the top of the lugs, keeping the same angle, to get the lugs to engauge the butterfly.

Offline Tdot

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How to fix Contender problem?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2003, 04:07:27 PM »

Do this:
1. open and close the action
2. cock the hammer
3. hold the hammer
4. watching the safety, squeeze the trigger
5. the safety should fall completely down.
6. lower hammer / it should fall completely down

1. replace PN 85 / Striker spring / crosses over to P# 55060850.

This is the first thing to check, I have repaired lots of them with this problem. Order the spring from TC by PN. 85 which crosses over to
( P# 55060850 ) ( get a couple you will need them)


Dance, TC will fix it for free / Post your FIX

Offline helobill

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How to fix Contender problem?
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2003, 05:12:41 PM »
I've got the exploded views scanned in if you need them. However they're pretty simple. First thing I'd do is clean it really well. that means getting out a couple drifts and taking the trigger group out. If your safety is still not operating correctly (Tdot's "open/close/cock & hold/pull trigger/watch safety") after you clean the action completely, then the next step is to check for proper engagment. With the trigger group out install the barrel and check to see how far the bolts are engaging. The locking bolts in the lug on the bottom of the barrel are what are supposed to center the "butterfly" or interlock safety. Check to see if the U-shaped notch formed at the center two bolts is completely engaging on the locking table (the part of the frame that they lock under). With the Trigger group out and holding the frame upside down, as you close the barrel you can watch the bolts engage and center the interlock safety. If all this is happening properly than the only thing left is the safety spring. If only one of the bolts is engaging, you may have a weak bolt spring (not enough force to center the interlock). If you're not getting enough engagment, your bolts may be too tall. T/C sells different heights to compensate for this, and if you ship your entire gun to them they will fix it supposedly at no charge (never tried sending it back myself, always just ordered the parts). You'll either have to manually release the bolts or partially reinstall the trigger group to get the barrel off again, I use my drift in place of the pivot pin and don't install the trigger guard stop screw. As for the striker spring, that's in the trigger group. I don't see how that could make a difference on the safety since the safety should already be released before the striker ever moves, but my exploded diagram and parts lists (old and new easy open frames) don't list a P/N 85 so I can't check to see if he really meant Safety Spring (on the easy opening frame it's Drawing number 1128, Item #55060482, retail price .95).
Let me know if you want the exploded views.

Offline Tdot

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How to fix Contender problem?
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2003, 07:36:11 PM »
Dance, Helobill,

Part # 85 as shown in the Contender manual page 19, is basically is a reference number which crosses over to (P # 55060850- striker spring).
Either number called into TC will get you the correct part.
Trust me- If the striker spring is weakened enough the striker will trip the hammer, but will not have enough energy to trip the safety.

At first this happens intermittently, gets more often as the spring weakens,
may not do it every time..

Try my test on all three barrels, if the results are the same on all three.
change the spring.

 Keep us posted.
