This is one of those rounds that get a lot of debate for Contenders. We discussed this in an earlier post and here is what I took away from it.
I understand that the 30-40 operates somewhere in the neighborhood of 40000 CUP. I pulled this from that previous post:
"I contacted Tim Pancurak at T/C, who gave me these CUP Limits The small diameter .223 Rem has a CUP of 52,000. Larger case diameters such as the 30/30 Win have a CUP of 39,000. 44 mag CUP of 36,000 and the 45/70 CUP of 28,000."
Is 30-40 safe in a contender? Probably if you use rounds loaded for the old military rifles and not hot ones for the Ruger No. 3's. Is T/C using conservative numbers? Most likely. So you know that there are guys chambering for it, they get used and it seems ok for the most part. BUT, the final question is this: Are you willing to risk your frame to try it out? I personally am not, and being a handloader, I would rather go to something a bit farther away from the fringe that I wouldn't have to worry about overpressuring as much. There are a lot of good wildcats out there in the 30 caliber class. The safety margin there is just getting to small for me to shoot the 30-40.