I grew up in Amish country - LaGrange County. Before 1970 there were no Amish East of Hwy 9, now they have pushed way East of that, almost to the Eastern boarder. I could tell a bunch of stories about them. Phones are one thing they just can not seem to live with out. Before cell phones, they would have a payphone in the yard or on a County road corner, but you could not drive up and use it, only Amish were allowed to use it. It is funny to see a horse and buggy hitched up to a telephone booth. Now those have went to the way side and they all use cell phones now. By the way, gasoline engines are OK. They use them for every thing from pumping water (Windmills are thing of the past) to generators. They buy used farm tractors and put steel wheels on them and use those for stationary power plants, for running wheat threshers and such. There are several small business people in the county especially over by Shipswana that have big desiel generators to run their equipment. I even lived with an Amish family for week in the summer months when I was a kid. Yep, I have lots of stories.