Does any one know of a good drawing of the Contender parts breakdown, on the net.
I swapped out the stock last night on my carbine, synthetic for walnut, and was putting my new 17 barrel on, and now the hammer wouldn't set or cock.
I took the stock back off and found a screw had come loose. It appears to be from the center of the spring that returns the trigger group back to position after cocking. I reinstalled it and the gun still won't cock, or rather the hammer won't catch when you pull it back.
I thought a good break down may be in order before I go any further, although I suspect the workings are fairly simple, I like a picture in case somthing is in the wrong place after the screw came loose. If not I may look for awhile before seeing the problem.
Also, any one had this happen, any ideas?
With all the Contender junkies around here I figured I would post this before going further.
Thanks, Andy