Many of ya'll probably have come across this before, I have myself(will get to that in a minute), but it is starting to increase in my area more. Potential burglars, wanting to know what items are in your home, go posing as college students asking to come into people's homes to do a "quick survey" on whatever topic they are pretending to study. Ask for a student ID card or other photo credentials from the school, etc. If they just show you a Drivers License don't fall for it (remembering the person's name and birthdate would be helpful if you can). Also be aware that they should possess actual survey material, not a "post it" not pad or blank note book. I did surveys in school and you are required to present your student ID card upon contact with the resident. And if the person is dressed like a thug, he is a thug. Bonafide survey students must dress business casual. It's unfortunate honest students aren't trusted to do their studies more openly but you have to protect yourself. Now, my story. I had a bad guy pretend to take surveys about a year and a half ago. He got about half way through his "script" before he notice by badge on the coffee table. Then I asked what school he was from. He told me and I asked what the main address of administration office was and if he had his student ID. He quickly turned around, muttered something, and left down the street on foot. Turned out after about three phone calls that he was definately NOT a student.