Oh, and guys bickering over the math.
If you want to find the percentage INCREASE, or how much larger, then you start with .1001
.1001 * x = .1320
x = .1320/.1001
1.3186 x 100=
131.86% of the original value.
If you want to figure out how much smaller, start with larger:
.1320 * x= .1001
0.7583 * 100= 75.83%
Percentages do not rise and fall in a linear fashion. If you increase 100 by 25% and then descrease that number (125) by 25% you don't end up back at 100. (93.75) A .357 is 24.17% smaller than a .41 mag, but a .41 mag is 31.86% larger than a .357 mag.
If you want to figure out the actual difference, with regards to BOTH objects, then they both need to be in the equation.
So the numerical difference is ABS(.1001-.1320) = 0.0319
Then the average is (.1001+.1320)/2 = 0.11605
So dividing the numerical difference into the average value of the objects, the actual difference, not the percentage change between the two is 0.0319/0.11305= 0.2821 * 100 = 28.21%
Math is fun isn't it? So if you average out both of your percentages, then you are right.