I once had a .444 BB94 - two actually, a .444 BB94 20" carbine and a 17"/ported BB94 Timber Carbine.
I don't know where you were looking, but the .444 BB94 is listed in the drop-down box for the peeps on the xs website, where it says: "How to Order Your Ghost Ring Set":
http://www.xssights.com/store/rifle.htmlThe XS sight set you need is XS stock number
" *1- W I - 0014 - 5 - "I highly recommend that anyone purchasing an XS peep deal directly with XS (call them) for a few reasons.
1) The sights will cost the same as from Midway/Brownells/etc
2) The front and/or peep sights in the "sets" on the XS website can be purchased separately - although a higher than issue front sight will definitely be needed due to the XS line-of-sight being much higher than the issue open sights.
3) The XS customer service techs will go the extra mile to help any customer (they once sent me, for free, an entire peep stem I had lost and called to order/pay for) - which is a hard thing to get when dealing with a third party.
4) Even if you don't like the XS white line front sight, they will send you a plastic cut'ntry post to determine the correct front sight height you need - so you may then order a gold/ivory/FO bead elsewhere if you wish.
(the white line is easily blacked out, to result in a patridge/post front sight, BTW)