I like communion... other than that I can't stand church. people getting up and screaming, chanting and such, it creeps me out no matter what the message is. that being said though, some places have more holy spirit than others, and if I feel like I need it I'll go for a weekend or two and absorb some of it... keeps me chilled out for awhile. eventually I start being a jerk again and need to go back though.... maybe if I actually had some faith I'd not have to recharge like a battery??? I wonder what that guy doing all those murders did? Huckabee was/is a preacher so did he feel some good in that man? did he convince himself that he could change his heart, was he in denial of the man's failure? I can't understand what's so hard about being decent, and I can't understand what's so hard for judging people who aren't. huckabee is no so cold-hearted though... maybe a bit too soft. I wonder though, was he merely decieved? how do you all think he felt as a pastor- everyone is attacking him as a politician and that's fair--- but how about pastor huckabee (acting as governor of course)?