Author Topic: benifits of lapping scope mounts ???  (Read 1065 times)

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Offline fox fire

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benifits of lapping scope mounts ???
« on: June 23, 2010, 03:26:27 PM »
What are the benifits of lapping the scope mounts(the inside of the rings)?     
I've never been lost,,,just rite fearsome confused for a few months.

Offline nicholst55

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Re: benifits of lapping scope mounts ???
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 07:45:47 PM »
Lapping scope rings increases the amount of surface area that actually contacts the scope tube, thus gripping it more firmly.  It is done primarily to reduce misalignment problems that can damage the scope tube.  Burris Signature rings accomplish the same thing, without the hassle of lapping.

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Offline Silvertp

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Re: benifits of lapping scope mounts ???
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2010, 06:30:22 AM »

Ive always consider the lapping of rings as sort of "hand fitting".  A process that follows lining up the base / rings with the barrel and insures the scope is held firmly by the rings without uneven pressures on the scope.  Tightening of the screws holding the ring halves together is also an important part of stress free mounting of a scope.  I don't use a torque driver, but do cross-tighten the rings  such that the space between the top and bottom halves of the rings are about the same all the way around. 

That said, I often opt to glass bed rather than lap to insure fitment between my scope bases and receiver and the inside of my rings to the scope.  What I end up with is a very thin coat of bedding material that provides near 100% bearing surface contact. 

To me it is no difference than the attention to detail that folks use when assembling accurate reloads.  Attention to detail and minimizing stress between stock, action, barrel and optics all contribute to a consistent and accurate shooting firearm.


Offline skarke

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Re: benifits of lapping scope mounts ???
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2010, 06:46:04 AM »
I went to signature series Burris rings years ago.  There are three benefits:

1.  You get 100% contact, very recoil resistant
2.  No scope marring.  Scopes look as if they've never been mounted
3.  Burris sells offset inserts that allow handgunners to adjust the scope mount, rather than the scope internals, to get zeroed.  This keeps the optical innards in the center of the tube, where they belong

People might find the extra couple of bucks worth it.
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Offline fox fire

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Re: benifits of lapping scope mounts ???
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2010, 03:55:18 PM »
Thanx a bunch ya'll, I saw a set that had been done on a new rifle and was curious.
I've never been lost,,,just rite fearsome confused for a few months.